API information

FrameVR stands out not only for its captivating virtual reality environments but also for its versatile API (Application Programming Interface), allowing developers to tailor and extend the platform's capabilities, like adding admins or members, editing Frame settings or properties of assets and even sending chat messages. But this is all quite difficult. 

Embarking on the journey of using the FrameVR API can be a thrilling but challenging endeavor, especially for educators who may be new to the intricacies of API integration. The technical aspects of working with APIs might seem daunting at first, requiring a certain level of coding proficiency. However, fear not! Like any technical pursuit, there may well be some "wizzkids" among teachers or your students—enthusiastic individuals with a knack for technology—who can dive into the intricacies of the FrameVR API and harness its potential for educational innovation.

So do have a go and let us know your experiences!

The link to the FrameVR API info is:  https://docs.framevr.io/