Wanted - preferably alive!
I'm always on the look out for additions to my collection. In particular I am looking for the items below, but I am interested in ANY valved/partially valved, amateur bands equipment.
I'm always on the look out for additions to my collection. In particular I am looking for the items below, but I am interested in ANY valved/partially valved, amateur bands equipment.
Please contact me (details at the bottom of this page) if you have something to dispose of that I might be interested in, or if you know someone who might be interested in selling.
Please contact me (details at the bottom of this page) if you have something to dispose of that I might be interested in, or if you know someone who might be interested in selling.
- Trio-Kenwood
- CW filter for TS-900. Will buy complete transceiver for this if necessary.
- TS-515, VFO-515 and matching linear TL-911
- Trio Kenwood VFO-510
- Yaesu
- CW filter for Yaesu FT501 - XF9C, will buy complete FT501 with CW filter fitted.
- Scrap FT501 for PSU cable and parts.
Any FT501 really!
- Any data on the Light Electronics Developments "Anglian 1000" transceiver
- Braun LT702 - 70cms transvertor for the SE600
- Collins KWM-1 and accessories
- Collins KWS-1 if it is within collection range (ie Western Europe)
- Drake T-4 reciter
- Drake TR-6 - 6m transceiver
- Frontier Electric Co Super 600 GTB / Digital 500D - HF transceivers
- Hallicrafters HT-44 Transmitter
- Yaesu FV201 external VFO for FT201
- Yaesu FTDX400
- Yaesu FL2500 linear
BUT really anything else that is old/vintage and mostly valved!
Contact me by email "fred <at> g4bwp <dot> com"
Skype "dodgy-dxer"
Call or text my mobile +44 7899 064 100 and I will call you back.
18 Feb 2017