
Miscellaneous Others

These are some other radios I have accumulated along the way from various manufacturers

        • Braun SE600 digi - 2m multi-mode transceiver
        • Eddystone - 888A Rx
        • Eddystone - EA12 Rx
        • Frontier Electronics FE-500E
        • Galaxy V - transceiver and external VFO
        • Hallicrafters FPM-300 - transceiver
        • Hallicrafters SX-117 - Rx
        • Hammerlund - HQ110a Rx
        • Hammerlund - HQ170a Rx
        • Harvey-Wells - Bandmaster Deluxe TBS-50D AM/CW Tx and VFO
        • Henry 2K3 - amplifier
        • Inoue IC700R/T/PS - Rx and Tx (links to handbooks)
        • Lafayette - HA350 Rx
        • Light Electronics Developments - Anglian 1000 transceiver
        • National - NCX-5 transceiver
        • NEC CQ301 - amplifier
        • SBE Model 34 - HF transceiver
        • SSB Products - Sphinx Tx
        • Swan 350 transceiver with 117XC psu
        • Swan Astro 102BX - (solid state) transceiver
        • TW Communicator - 2m AM Tx/Rx

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26 Apr 2014