KW Electronics
One wet afternoon I decided I would make a collection of radios made in the UK by KW Electronics, so this is where radio collection began. I discovered that there already was an enthusiastic group of KW collectors and joined the KW_Radios group on Yahoo! That group is now KW-Radios on
One wet afternoon I decided I would make a collection of radios made in the UK by KW Electronics, so this is where radio collection began. I discovered that there already was an enthusiastic group of KW collectors and joined the KW_Radios group on Yahoo! That group is now KW-Radios on
Link to the excellent KW-radios group on
Index of KW pages
- KW2000 (2, one early one and a later one in the "G-line" cabinet)
- KW2000A (2 - they were free!)
- KW2000B (2 plus 1 spare PSU )
- KW2000E (2, one missing some valves)
- VFO-4B Remote VFO
- KW Atlanta with remote VFO and PSU
- KW 160 - 160m AM/CW
- Vespa (2)
- Vespa Mk2 (I have 3 of these as they were going cheap!)
- KW204
- KW77
- KW201 (one nice one, one a bit the worse for wear)
- KW202
Linear amplifiers
- KW600
- KW1000
- E-Z Match
- Antenna switch
- PEP-meter
- KW 101 SWR meter
- KW 103 SWR meter
- Vox units for KW 2000, KW 204 (may be the same unit?)
- KW 110 Q-multiplier
- dc psu for KW2000A-B-E
- KW 108 Monitorscope (Decca badged)
- KW160 ATU for 160m
11 Nov 2014