Self Discovery

Knowing about yourself - your personality, learning style, interests - is critical to making a post-graduate decision that will work for you. The following links can help you in your process of Self-Discovery. 

Each of these sections is discussed further below.

How do you Learn?

What's Your Personality Type?

What do you want to Study/Major In?

What Are Your Job Interests?

How Do You Learn?

How do you learn best? By reading, listening, or by doing an activity? Knowing how you learn best can help you succeed in school and work. The following are surveys that can help you determine your learning style. 

What's Your Personality Type

During your years at Fairview, you have a chance to explore your personality, interests and possible careers.

What does your personality say about areas of study and careers that would best fit you? The following personality surveys  will help you identify the different traits of your personality that could lead to a career choice.

What Do You Want to Study or Major in?

Choosing a major will be one of the most important factors in creating your college list! 

Use the "My Majors" website to help learn what you can study in college

**Please note the My Majors website is a for profit company where you can access some information for free. No direct or implied endorsement by Fairview should be construed.

If you are interested in exploring more majors and their related careers, visit

After you finish this exercise, consider the other factors that will help you choose a college (location, cost, size, etc) and go to Step 1: Choosing a College.

Want to know which academic majors may be a good fit for your interests? Take the quick quizzes below to find out:

If you have already decided on a major and want to compare the offerings from one campus to another, use the Comparing College Majors by Campus chart to discover and document what factors are important. 

Note:  Once you have an idea of the major(s) you might like, you can use that information to search for colleges offering that major in College Board Website under the Big Future section or in Naviance's Super Match College search.

What are Your Job Interests?

Knowing your career interests can help you in choosing a major, a college or a career. These surveys can help you determine some of the activities required for specific jobs.