Resumes and Interviews

You can stand out on your resume and in your interview!

A resume can help with applications to college, recruiting interviews, summer internships or job opportunities. Even though you may not have a lot of work experience, you may have enough other experiences to create a compelling resume. Things like babysitting, lawn mowing, summer camps, club participation, and other extracurricular activities can all be used to build a resume.

You may be asked to interview for a job, internship, or college admissions. Interviewing is an important part of the job selection process. An interview is a chance to go beyond your resume, and show employers your knowledge and enthusiasm about the company. It’s also an opportunity to highlight your skills, and show why you are a good fit for the position.

Creating a Resume

Step 1

Begin by filling out a Resume worksheet. You can also make an outline of your work experiences (paid/unpaid),leadership positions, volunteering, activities, athletics, and academics.

Step 2

Consider adding anything that shows attitude and performance achievements, such as positive attendance, teacher/coaches recognition, contributions to projects, clubs, sports,arts and music. Also,be sure to add skills that relate to your major or internship, such as computer programming, ability to work in a team, people skills, etc.

Step 3

Begin building your resume. Be sure to use Action Verbs when describing your experience.

Step 4

Keep it concise and easy to read. Put the most relevant information at the beginning. Be sure to proofread it. Ask a parent or counselor. Be honest and accurate.

Some text or other content. To create multiple accordions, paste this template multiple times.

How to set up a resume

Resume Examples  Look at each resume for different formatting styles

Interviewing Tips

Watch this video for Do's and Dont's for a successful interview.