Step 4:  Finalize Your List

At this point you have already researched the colleges that interest you. Now it is time to make your final list. Most students apply to two or more colleges; some as many as 12 or 15.

Consider the following balance of schools:

Show demonstrated interest in ALL schools your are applying to.

The graphic shows examples of demonstrated interest.  You can also print this Demonstrated Interest Checklist to help keep track of your demonstrated interest for each school.

Showing demonstrated interest in your safety schools is just as important as it is for your target and reach schools. 

Research Admission Rates and Statistics

A balance of Schools should include:

Safety/Likely Schools

Schools where your GPA and test scores are in the top 25% of recently admitted students.

Target Schools

Schools where your GPA and test scores are solidly (25-75%) within the average scores of recently admitted students.

Reach Schools

Schools where your GPA and test scores are below the average scores of recently admitted students.

Note that due to low admission rates, highly selective colleges should always be considered reach schools.

For more in depth analysis of best fit schools click here.

Assess Your Likelihood of Admission

There are several additional methods to help students and families determine if a school is a Target, Safety/Likely or Reach. We have included three methods below. Others may be found online.

A. Naviance Scattergrams

Naviance Scattergrams show anonymous admissions statistics of former Fairview students who have applied to colleges in the last several years, and whether they were accepted, wait-listed, or denied. Review of this information can help students assess the competitiveness of their own chances compared to previous Fairview students.

To view scattergrams, log into Naviance, Click on the Colleges tab, Click on Scattergrams under College Research. Choose the college and type of test. Find the icon that represents your GPA and test score.

Please remember that the applicants represented are only Fairview students. Please also be aware that final admission data is voluntarily supplied by Fairview students and may not be complete.  The average GPA and test scores of admitted students may differ from the overall applicant pool. Check college-specific websites for more information.

Sample Scattergrams: Colorado College  See below:

B. Naviance “Odometer”

Naviance also offers another visual for students to use as an aid in assessing how competitive they may be at being admitted to a particular college. A student can enter their scores (GPA, SAT, ACT) and the site compares the student’s scores to those of students who applied from their particular high school. To view this graphic, log into Naviance, Go to “Search for Colleges” on the left. Enter college name and click “Go”. Scroll to the bottom of the overview tab to see “odometer” that factors in all the scores of students admitted to that school from Fairview so that you can assess your own odds.

C. College Board Website feature: BIG FUTURE Academic Tracker “Are you on track to get in?”

Are you on track to meet a college’s application requirements, or  do you need to adjust your plan? How do you compare to students who got  in and enrolled at colleges you’re interested in?

Use the Academic Tracker tool to find out. Here’s how:

5.  Save your information to use Academic Tracker with other  colleges. Just create an account — it’s free and lets you do other things, like save a list of your favorite colleges.

Use this tool as a guide, but keep in mind you're more than your  numbers — colleges care about your character and what you bring to the  campus. Learn more about what colleges are looking for.

Sample Naviance Scattergram

Update Naviance: Colleges I'm Applying To

The college application process is managed through your Naviance account, therefore, you need to list the colleges you are applying to under **Colleges I'm applying to**.


If the college does not use the Common Application: