
Internships are a terrific way to “get a feel” for a particular subject or line of work that you are interested in. You can learn about a field, work alongside professionals, and gain valuable real-world experience. An internship can demonstrate to a college that you are actively pursuing your interests, and have workplace experience.  Although some internships are paid, you may need to accept minimal compensation or even an unpaid position to gain experience.

Tip:  Many internships have deadlines in January and February - plan ahead!

Finding Internship Possibilities

Look through internship directories*

Some internships are specifically for high school students, others require you to be a college student. If you encounter the latter, you can call to inquire about possibly allowing a high school student to intern, especially if you are taking advanced classes or have experience relevant to the job.

*PLEASE NOTE: These links and resources are just a sampling, listed for informational purposes and convenience. No direct or implied endorsement by Fairview High School should be construed.

Don't overlook resources in your backyard.

Students often find internships through their parents, family friends, or neighbors. You can also stop in at local companies, non-profits, and community organizations to see if they need any additional help. 

Create your own internship

Sometimes CU Boulder professors offer research opportunities and internships for high school students. See the list of CU Boulder Academic Departments. Start by calling the department you are interested in, and talk to an administrative assistant. Often this person can lead you to someone who would know about opportunities for high school students.

Try an Internet Search

For more opportunities, try searching using words such as "high school internship Boulder biology" (or marketing, etc.)

How to Ask for an Internship

Once you've identified an internship possibility, if the company doesn't have a process to follow for applying, you may need to contact it directly. Try to identify a specific person in the company to call or email. For more information, follow these links:

How to Prepare for the Internship Application Process

Check deadlines

The first thing you need to do after you find a possible internship is to check the deadline for application. Many application deadlines are as early as January. Many of them are firm—if you miss them you cannot apply.

Application, Transcript, Resume, Interview

Most internship programs have a process that includes filling out an application, sending a transcript, and submitting a resume. They may also ask you to interview. Your resume and interview should emphasize any relevant coursework or experience that highlights your abilities to contribute to a work environment. Click here for tips.

Letter of Recommendation

You may be asked to submit a letter of recommendation from one of your teachers. Contact a teacher that you want to write one for you. Ask them if they would be willing to write a recommendation, and if they’ll write a good one! Give them plenty of notice so they have time to complete and send your letter before the deadline.