Step 1: Choose a College

Important Factors in Selecting a College 

There is not just one college that is perfect for you - there are many colleges that can offer exactly what you want. The trick is to think about what you want out of the college experience and then look for schools that fit your needs and goals.

The more time you can spend answering these questions and talking with others who know you (family, teachers, and friends), the more likely you will be to select colleges that fit you well for a happy, motivating and meaningful experience. The most important factor in choosing a college is FIT.

Below are questions you need to answer to help you decide what you want your college to have.  You can also print these questions in a worksheet format.  Print out the Choosing a College - Start Here worksheet. 

Goals - Why do you want to go to college? 

Majors / Academic Programs -  What do you want to study?

What do you think you might want to study in college?

What are some possible college majors?

I'm not sure...

I'm pretty sure I know...

What academic programs and opportunities do you want the college to have?

Academic environment and learning needs - What do you need to be a successful learner?

Selectivity - What range of colleges do you want to apply to?

How selective should the school be regarding admissions?

Paying for College - Do you have a price range and how will you pay for college?

What is the cost (tuition, room and board, books and fees, transportation)? How will you pay for it?

Range of college costs: $3,000/year for a community college to >$70,000/year for some private colleges.

Click here to go to the Paying for College page.

Topics to discuss with your family:

Location / Campus Environment - United States? Overseas? Online?

What is important to you?

Size - Small, medium, or large?

Does size/enrollment matter in your college choice?

Small school - <3,000 students

Medium school - 3,000-10,000 students

Large school - >10,000 students

Campus Life - How will you spend your time outside of class?

Interests and Activities - What else is important to you about your college choice and life on campus?

Personality and Social Environment - Are these my people? Will I fit in? Are these the students and professors I want to interact with?