College Honors Programs

Almost all colleges and universities have honors programs that are designed to challenge academically motivated students. They provide enriched curriculum and additional learning experiences through special courses, interdisciplinary seminars, independent studies and senior projects.

They foster a community of scholarly inquiry and research at the undergraduate level through specially designed classes and programs that develop student potential through individual and collaborative efforts. There are often honors coordinators from various departments within the college and many programs provide dormitories to house honors students.

Who Are the Honors Program Students?

They are students with either strong academic records, or who think of themselves as good, hard-working students, from many different backgrounds and interests who embrace an honors program as part of their college education. 

What Does it Take to Qualify for an Honors Program?

There is great variation in honors program requirements. Some programs admit all students with a grade point average above a certain number. Others do not use grade point averages, and may require one or more essays or interviews to screen their candidates. Some use a combination of requirements. Since the standards differ greatly from college to college, research each particular colleges of interest to determine the qualifications. The information below can help with the search. 

What Should I look for in an Honor's Program?

Here are a few key things to think about as you define a list of colleges to which you might apply.