College Rep Visits, Fairs, and Presentations

College Rep Visits

Each year, representatives from more than 200 colleges and universities from around the U.S. and Canada visit Fairview during the school day to give presentations about their schools and to meet Fairview students and answer their questions. 

College Rep Visit Calendar

The Fairview Counseling Office has found that students need to show a demonstrated interest in ALL colleges they apply to (including safety schools). The following are examples of demonstrated interest:

 or use this Demonstrated Interest Checklist.

Why College Rep Visits are Important

Who May Attend College Rep Visits

After obtaining their teacher's permission, Seniors and Juniors may be excused from class to attend college rep visits. Sophomores and Freshmen may attend college rep visits during their free periods. All students attending a college rep visit must sign the blue attendance sheet. Students must arrive on time and must stay for the entire college rep visit. If a student cannot attend a college rep visit, he can stop by at the beginning or end of the visit to briefly meet the rep and pick up literature. 

Questions to ask during a college rep visit



Financial Aid and Scholarships

Campus Life

College Fairs

A college fair is an organized event that is usually held in a high school gym or local conference center. Colleges send representatives to give information about their campuses to prospective students, and the students have a chance to introduce themselves to the reps as well.

There are in-state and out-of-state college fairs in Boulder and the Denver metro area, held mostly in the fall and usually in October. These are good opportunities for students, including freshman and sophomores, to introduce them to the variety and number of colleges that are available, and as a chance to meet the representatives who will likely be reading applications and corresponding with local students.

Often, a college fair may offer concurrent seminars in subjects like writing a college essay, or understanding financial aid.

Find a College Fair:

More Information:

Fairs are often well-attended and can be overwhelming, so students should go prepared by looking at the list of colleges attending beforehand, noting which ones will be of special interest, and visiting them first. These events are announced and listed on the College/Career Center website calendar and students are invited to pre-register so that college reps can scan registration codes or have students fill out information cards to keep track of names and attendance.

The College Board organization has a suggested checklist of ideas that helps students organize and document their college fair experience.

Local Events for Specific Groups of Colleges

Some smaller groups of colleges with similar interests and/or audiences, may organize their own events across the country, such as the “Colleges That Change Lives,” the NUUE (University of Notre, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, University of Virginia, and Emory University), or another group of selective colleges; Duke, Georgetown, Harvard, Penn, and Stanford. These events are often held at hotel meeting rooms and space may be limited, requiring students to register ahead of time. Notice of these events, which are also usually held in the fall or late spring, can be found on the Fairview College/Career Center website calendar and in announcements. 

College Fairs Online

Online college fairs give students a chance to communicate with colleges online during a specific scheduled timeframe. An online fair is organized in a similar way to the ones held in schools and convention centers in that students and families can exchange information with individual colleges and also virtually attend information sessions to hear speakers talk about specific campuses and other topics of interest. 

College Planning Night Presentations

Each year, the Fairview Counseling Department gives talks to students and their parents to help them apply to college.

The College Application Night for Seniors  is usually held in September and reviews the timeline and process for college applications.

The College Planning Night for Juniors is usually held in April and reviews FHS graduation requirements, college entrance requirements, and the Junior year timeline and checklist for the college application process.