Counseling Announcements
Five college scholarships available from Impact on Education
Impact on Education is now accepting applications for five college scholarships. With two new scholarships this year – the Houston scholarship and the Jeff Howenstein Panther Scholarship – Impact on Education will be awarding up to $80,000 to BVSD students. Please share these opportunities with your staff, students and their families. Applications for the Class of 2024 are due on April 5, 2024.
Naviance Access for Parents
What do you want to be when you grow up? How do you start researching colleges? Use NAVIANCE! FHS students and parents have access to Naviance, a software program that provides students with college planning and career assessment tools. The FHS Counseling Office uses Naviance with students in grades 9-12 to set goals, explore student interests and career, complete college searches and facilitate the college application process. Parents of seniors were given access to Naviance last year in February. Parents of 9th, 10th, and 11th graders will receive an email from Naviance with a temporary registration code to access Naviance soon. We hope you enjoy exploring Naviance. Explore Naviance on our website for more information: Naviance Information