More Experiences

In addition to the courses you take, activities both in and out of school are excellent ways to explore your areas of interest, and contribute to your self-discovery about colleges and careers. They can also help develop a compelling resume for college applications. 

Clubs and Activities

Participating in clubs and activities is an important way to discover and grow in your interests. Involvement in your school and community exposes you to opportunities you may not know exist and allows you to benefit from contribution to academic and social environments.

In your first years of high school, explore and commit time and effort to those activities that capture your interest. It might be a combination of a club, sport and student government, or it might be a single driving passion that takes you through your years at Fairview. By the time you are a senior, it's likely that this involvement will help you decide what you care about and value. The choices you make about extra-curricular activities contribute to self-discovery of qualities you may possess.

Fairview has a wide variety of clubs and activities that you can join. If you want to start a new club, please see the Assistant Principal for Athletics and Activities in the Attendance Office area.

Study Abroad

Study abroad during high school allows you to earn credits while abroad. Find out about programs in the Fairview College and Career Center. Make an appointment with your counselor to find out how.

The article The Benefits of Study Abroad provides evidence that through study abroad, students can gain a better understanding of themselves and of their culture. They gain unparalleled and life-long perspectives regarding the positive and negative nature of their own culture, and multi-cultural interactions become smoother and more natural. It has been shown that 96% have increased self-confidence, 97% feel more mature and 98% understand their own values more clearly.

Further exploration of study abroad programs can be found in the following websites:

Rotary Club Youth Exchange offers short and long term exchange programs where a student lives with a host family and attends school in a different country.

American Field Service is an educational organization dedicated to providing enriched learning experiences that promote intercultural awareness, tolerance and communication. The vast majority of AFS participants take part in high school-based exchange programs, which give students from all over the world the chance to fully immerse themselves in a new culture. They offer programs lengths that vary from 2 weeks to the full school year.

Study Abroad provides a directory of study abroad programs, as well as articles and tips preparation for studying in another country.

The Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) is committed to quality international educational travel and exchange for youth at the high school level.

Oxford Study Courses features recap and preparation (a.k.a., revision) courses for students preparing for their IB exams. These courses are now also available online. New courses are offered for students preparing for their first year of diploma candidacy. OSC hosts courses at Oxford University, Sydney and Melbourne Universities, and Dulwich College Shanghai.

In addition there are a growing number of summer and gap year travel abroad programs, both academic and community service-oriented. The Fairview College and Career Center cannot endorse any particular program, and therefore does not attempt to list all of those available here. The College and Career Center does have extensive information on such programs. They can also be found through internet searches.

Summer Programs

Summer introduces a wide variety of opportunities for students. In addition to volunteering, jobs, internships, and study abroad programs, you can pursue established summer programs or camps that provide enrichment in specific areas of interest. These activities may include intensive learning in a university environment, or service and adventure programs. Though these programs provide excellent enrichment for you, be certain you are honoring your passion for a specific interest, not your passion for admission to a particular college.

Some things to consider about summer programs:

On-Campus Pre-College Summer Programs*:

Summer Camp Directories for High School Students*:

*These links and resources are just a sampling, listed for informational purposes and convenience. No direct or implied endorsement by Fairview High School should be construed. Additionally, the companies that offer summer programs would like you to believe that attendance will increase your student's chances for acceptance at certain colleges, or will improve their odds of landing certain jobs. Do not assume that these summer programs are as helpful or selective as some solicitations from their founders may imply.