Personal Essay

Many colleges require a Personal Essay or Statement from each student in their application. If the schools you are applying to use the Common Application, you will need to write a personal essay. 

What is the Personal Essay?

A Personal Essay is the main writing component of a college application. It's your opportunity to tell a college admissions committee who you are beyond your grades, test scores or recommendation letters. It can demonstrate that you can write clearly, express yourself effectively, and it allows you to describe your aspirations, values or passions.

The Personal Essay is a chance for you to speak in your own voice. This means that you convey your topic clearly but in a less formal and more conversational tone. The Personal Essay is NOT a creative writing test, nor is it a term paper or dissertation.

Most admissions counselors expect about a one-page, single-spaced essay. The Common App allows for 250-650 words, while the Coalition App provides space for up to 550 words.

How do I find the Essay Prompts?

Common App

Other Colleges

To view prompts for non-Common App or non-Coalition App schools, go to its freshman or undergraduate admissions website to access all application questions.

To view additional prompts in any online application, answer all main profile and academic questions first. Some prompts are only visible depending on how you answer academic questions.

When should I start?

Your junior year is the appropriate time to begin thinking about what you would like to say. Even if you do not know the specific questions, you can start developing a personal essay and trying out topic ideas. Exact essay questions can be viewed when the latest college applications come out in the summer, but the questions often remain the same for several years.

Fairview Language Arts teachers introduce the personal essay in the spring of your junior year. You will be encouraged to explore a topic and produce a working draft.

Most students applying to a number of selective colleges will begin exploring several topics and angles over the summer before senior year. 

What should I write about?

Personal Essay prompts are meant to be open-ended, so that any topic a student chooses can be used to answer one or more of the prompts.

Many students (and teachers) are tempted to begin by collecting all of the college essay prompts, and then proceed to massage their own personal stories to fit the prompts.

Consider thinking about topics that are important to you first, then choose the prompt that fits your topic.

Decide on five to six topics that you want to convey about yourself. Some topics to explore might include:

What should I NOT write about?

Make sure you edit your essay!

Writing a personal statement takes time. You will most likely review and edit the document several times before you hit the submit button.

Have someone else proof read your essay before submitting it. Parents, LA teachers, volunteers in the CCC can all help with proofreading your essays.