Exhibit 3

Social Media Advertisement

Revised design above. Original design below.

Background: This social media advertisement that can be used by a clinic to inform parents of an opportunity to attend a parenting workshop led by a speech-language pathologist.


  • Contrast: The blue colored font contrasts the orange hue of the background. The font size changes size from heading, to content, to contact information to bring attention to the topic first.

  • Repetition: The same color was used for the text throughout the design. The color of the text matches the blue on the P block. The font of the text is similar to the font of the letters on the blocks.

  • Alignment: The text is aligned to the left of the page. Vertically, the text is limited to two thirds of the page. The picture fits in the remaining third of the page. Horizontally, the page is divided into thirds with each text box placed roughly in a third of the page. The text boxes are equidistant from each other.

  • Proximity: The text is grouped according to its function (heading, content, contact information). There is space between each text element to indicate what information is related.

  • Color: The color of the text matches the blue from the P block. This is a complimentary color to orange, which is present in another block. The blue also contrasts with the orange hues in the background. .


  • I converted the image to a smart object and used the warp feature with horizontal and vertical split warp features to extend the background of the image to fill the design.

  • I used grid lines to create three columns and three rows to divide the square page into thirds.

  • I used text boxes and the Centaur font to create the text.

  • I modified the leading to adjust the space between the lines in the heading.

  • Each text grouping was created on its own layer and apart from the background.

  • I used the eyedropper tool to match the blue color from the P block.

Credits: Centaur font available in Photoshop; Image from Pixabay https://pixabay.com/photos/play-wooden-blocks-child-fun-game-2293838/


After feedback, the following changes were made:

  • The word "how" was omitted for concision.

  • The secondary text size and horizontal scale was reduced to decrease space and increase white space.

  • The contact information was rearranged to remain on a single line.

  • Bevel and emboss and drop shadow were added to all of the text.

I chose to change the color of the letter A block to introduce more variety of colors and avoid repeating colors on just two blocks.