Exhibit 1

Informative Sign for the USU Speech and Language Clinic

Revised design above. Original design below.

Background: This sign is meant to inform clients of the clinic of closure dates in July. This is important information for the clients to know. A well-designed sign may increase the client's awareness of these important dates. This is especially important this year as the holidays are observed by the university on days other than the actual holiday.


  • Contrast: The dark color of the text was meant to contrast the lighter hues of the background. The most important text was bolded and enlarged to set it apart from the rest of the text and to bring attention to this information for quick reading. The Old-style Garamond was selected to contrast the sans serif Verdana. The red on the calendar contrasts the darker colors of the calendar and text.

  • Repetition: Consistent colors were used throughout the design. The red, white, and blue colors were repeated, and the same red and blue shades were used across the design.

  • Alignment: The text and calendar image are centered horizontally. The outer edges of the text box and the image are equidistant from the edges of the display. The top and bottom boundaries of the text box align with the top and bottom edges of the calendar image. The text is aligned to the left and place at the right of the calendar image to avoid trapped white space.

  • Proximity: The text and calendar image were created to be large enough to fill the page and be close in proximity so the text could directly relate to the information presented on the calendar. The larger text size allowed for more spacing between the lines without separating the content.

  • Color: The color selection centered on the traditional red, white, and blue of Independence Day. I chose a darker blue for a more professional look and also because the sign is not advertising for independence day. The red on the calendar also brings attention to the calendar to indicate something is important.

  • Font: Garamond; Verdana. For the general text, I used a semi-bold Garamond font. For the most important text, I used a bold Verdana font and a larger text size to bring attention to this information to all it to be read quickly.

  • Other: I included an image in addition to the text so both pieces of information could be used to deliver the important message. The words of the days and the dates are written out and the days and dates are also indicated on the calendar.


  • I opened the flag and calendar images in photoshop, dragged them onto the design, and created multiple layers for this display.

  • I adjusted the size of the flag image to fit the size of the display and adjusted the opacity to make it a subtle background feature.

  • For the calendar, I used the "darken" blending mode to allow the background to show and modified the opacity slightly for a more subtle application.

  • I used the pencil tool and adjusted the size, color, and smoothness before drawing the circles on the calendar.

  • For the text, I adjusted the color, size, and line spacing for the appropriate style.

  • I used the guide layouts to assist with alignment and centering of the text box and calendar.

Credits: Flag image: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/usa-flag-america-american-1127885/; Calendar: www.wiki-calendar.com; Garamond and Verdana fonts and brushes used are available in Photoshop.


After feedback, the following changes were made:

  • The amount of text on the design was reduced and reorganized.

  • The size of the design was altered to allow for printing margins.

  • Rather than reducing the opacity of the background image, a light flowing white paint was applied behind the text to increase contrast while allowing for the background image to remain bold.

  • A consistent font (Ariel available in Photoshop) was used with contrasting weight.

  • Commas in the dates were replaced with bullets.

  • With mixed feedback about the flag and calendar, I decided to keep these elements for the faded look of the flag and the quick reference to the calendar.

  • In regard to a Utah State University logo, I did not add a logo as the clinical building has its own branding that would require creation by USU PR.