Criteria to Engage Enterprise Architecture

This can apply to all aspects of architecture engagement including Architecture Assurance, Projects, Strategy, etc.


  • Involves or impacts a broad cross-section of the company


  • Alignment to Customer Experience and / or Branding
  • Presents a significant opportunity to drive convergence to the Target Architecture
  • Presents a significant opportunity to drive collaboration on new solutions
  • Presents a significant opportunity to leverage existing solutions
  • Changes existing strategy; deviates from existing strategy and / or architecture principles; introduces new strategy


  • Significant financial investment (>$500K USD)
  • Introduces significant new technology or new features
  • Significantly extends the use of a non-strategic or outdated technology
  • Significantly impacts core shared infrastructure or applications
  • Negatively impacts drive to Target Architecture

Operating Model for Enterprise Architecture Engagement

  1. Partner with the PMO

Guidance / education needs to be accomplished at the PM level. Ensure that Architecture Assurance processes are a part of the methodology.

  1. Establish Target / Reference Architectures to assess against

Establish and leverage a few important Target, Reference architectures that can be used during the engagement including architecture non-functional requirements.

  1. Leverage existing architecture deliverable documents

During an architecture review use existing deliverables from the project to have the conversation. Additional paperwork to fill out should not be expected. Architecture deliverables need to be a part of the project so it is more of a review than an additional burden (in-process vs. out of process).

  1. Capture and communicate key decisions

Maintain a running list of architecture key decisions that have been made. At a minimum capture the decision that are made from the architecture assurance meeting and publish it on the architecture web page.

From CEB’s Business-Driven Enterprise Architecture