Architecture Design - The Platform Manifesto

  1. The ecosystem is the new warehouse
  2. The ecosystem is also the new supply chain
  3. The network effect is the new driver for scale
  4. Data is the new dollar
  5. Community management is the new human resource management
  6. Liquidity management is the new inventory control
  7. Curation and repetition are the new quality control
  8. User journeys are the new sales funnels
  9. Distribution is the new destination
  10. Behavior design is the new loyalty program
  11. Data science is the new business process optimization
  12. Social feedback is the new sales commission
  13. Algorithms are the new decision makers
  14. Real-time customization is the new market research
  15. Plug-and-play is the new business development
  16. The invisible hand is the new iron fist