Mr Meelan Roopa, Department of Industrial Engineering 

Faculty of Engineering

A short summary of Meelan`s research:

My research focuses on environmental sustainability and the contribution the field of Industrial Engineering has to offer. I am intrigued by the complex world we live in and how transdisciplinary knowledge is one answer that makes sense of the chaotic world by offering solutions that solve problems systemically and holistically. I also explore how transdisciplinary knowledge can be created to solve environmental challenges.


Research for Impact is one of the core strategic themes in SU`s Vision 2040. Can you describe the (potential) impact of your research?

One of the attributes of research for impact at SU gives mention of interdisciplinary research and the sustainability imperative. My research will answer existing questions and most likely create new ones that seek to bring society closer to achieving environmental sustainability by adapting strategies, theories, methods and practices by means of transdisciplinary knowledge.


In the ever-changing environment of academia, what are some of the obstacles early career researchers are faced with?

One of the first hurdles is trying to publish high quality research in big impact journals. Another challenge is building up research experience and supervisory skills to aid future researchers in completing their postgraduate studies and to co-author with them in research.


What would you regard as the most important aspects to consider to effectively support early career researchers?

Mentorship on research, work and supervision of students.


What excites you about your work? 

Never having the same day at work by constantly being challenged with new ways of thinking, new solutions and new problems.


When you're not in the lab, library or in the field conducting research, what do you do to unwind?

Go on walks, watch tv and relax outside.


How has the ECAD programme of SU contributed to your research career? 

It has brought me in contact with many researchers who are experienced with SUN processes, publication strategies and postgraduate supervision. They are bringing me in contact with a mentor who is also in the engineering space, and also offered funds that I can use to further my research and aid me in my academic journey.


What advice, if any, would you look to impart to future early career academics?

Never stop learning and learn to ask the right questions.


Connect with Meelan and his work!

Research Gate:
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