Dr Andrea Palk, Department of Philosophy, 

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences 

After completing my PhD in philosophy at Stellenbosch University in 2018, I was appointed as a postdoctoral research fellow in the psychiatry department at the University of Cape Town under the mentorship of the head of department, Prof Dan Stein.  During my postdoc I focused on ethical and philosophical themes related to psychiatry and mental health research.  In May 2020, I was appointed as a permanent lecturer in the philosophy department at Stellenbosch University, and I have been part of the ECAD programme since then.  

A short summary of Andrea`s research:

My research is situated within the field of bioethics, referring to the ethical, legal and social implications and challenges associated with biomedical practice and research.  Since its formalisation into a distinct area of focus in the latter part of the twentieth century, bioethics has developed into a multidisciplinary field, with a strong focus on empirical ethics research, whilst continuing the conceptual and normative engagement which informed its origins in the field of philosophy.  

Bioethics also includes more speculative areas of focus, such as the ethical concerns arising from the biomedical enhancement of physical, cognitive, and even moral capacities of human beings. The ethics of human bioenhancement was my point of entry into the field of bioethics as a graduate student.  I initially focused on the ethical implications of radical enhancement of human capacities and functioning, beyond species typical levels, referred to as transhumanism, and the threat this may pose to human dignity and other human ‘goods’. My interest then moved to the possibility of using biomedical interventions to enhance human dispositions, associated with moral behaviour, such as empathy, and the threat this may pose to moral autonomy and thus morality itself.  This led to my current and ongoing interest in neuroethics, a relatively new area of focus within bioethics, which engages with the ethical, legal and social implications of our growing knowledge of, and ability to change, the human brain, due to progress in the neurosciences. 

Related to my interest in neuroethics is a keen interest in the philosophy and ethics of psychiatry.  I am particularly interested in mental health research ethics, including the ethical challenges associated with large scale genetic studies of neuropsychiatric disorders in African contexts, as well as various conceptual debates underpinning the field of psychiatry itself.  

Like other areas of medicine, the field struggles with foundational challenges arising from the sheer complexity and heterogeneity of its subject matter.  For example, the question of what kind of ‘thing’ a mental disorder actually is, remains a valid one to ask, despite the seeming maturity of the field of psychiatry.   Such conceptual issues, along with more practical ethical challenges, have real world implications given the prevalence and burden of mental disorders across the globe. 

In the ever-changing environment of academia, what are some of the obstacles early career researchers are faced with?   

What has been particularly valuable for me as a participant of the ECAD programme, is the opportunity to be mentored by a senior academic.  Early career researchers face various challenges as we find our place in the academy.  Having access to a mentor who can provide guidance regarding institutional processes and structures and optimal career development paths, as well as a space in which other matters can be discussed, has been invaluable.  Another benefit of the programme is the opportunity to build networks and share experiences with other early career researchers from different disciplines.  I would highly recommend the programme to all new academics. 

When you're not in the lab, library or in the field conducting research, what do you do to unwind?

In my spare time I am a keen runner, and, to date, I have run ten marathons, including three ultra-marathons. 

Connect with Andrea and her work!

Website: https://www0.sun.ac.za/philosophy/staff/andrea-palk/

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andrea-Palk