Dr Jean-Pierre Scherman Lieutenant Colonel, Centre for Military Studies 

         Faculty Of Military    

A short summary of Jean-Pierre's research: 

The study of military history has evolved over the years. Initially it was written with a top down approach with the viewpoint of the General being the dominant factor. I, however, specialize in new military history, which writes from grassroots upwards, where the lost voice of the poor private on the frontlines now takes centre stage. Specializing in Southern African military history of the 20th Century, my research hopes to provide a voice to these lost soldiers.

Research for Impact is one of the core strategic themes in SU`s Vision 2040. How does your research relate to that?

My research currently is examining the link between the South African Defence Force (SADF) and the Portuguese Armed Forces (PAF) during the early stages of the Border War (1966-1974) with the nexus being the Alcora ("Aliança Contra as Rebeliões em Africa") Agreement between the two states. (1970 - 1974) from the perspective of the soldiers on the ground.

In the ever-changing environment of academia, what are some of the obstacles early career researchers are faced with?   

A lack of funds to physically access international archives (most documents are not yet digitized so the researcher must physically go to the archives) remains a huge challenge - especially considering the cost due to our poor exchange rate with most developed world currencies.

What would you regard as the most important aspects to consider to effectively support early career researchers?            

Provide researchers with the financial means to pursue their research objectives.

What excites you about your work?  

Discovering a lost voice and then providing a medium to express this voice is a great privilege. Most people who have served in uniform consider it to be some of their most worthy life experiences as it is the one time when an ordinary person has the opportunity to be part of something significant, something bigger than themselves, something worthy of risking their lives for.

When you're not in the lab, library or in the field conducting research, what do you do to unwind?

I run four times a week and participate in road races from 10km up to ultra marathon.    


How has the ECAD programme of SU contributed to your research career?      

It has provided me with the funds and access to pursue my research objectives across the country.

What advice, if any, would you look to impart to future early career academics?

It has provided me with the funds and access to pursue my research objectives across the country.


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