Dr Elzahn Rinquest, Department of Education Policy studies

Faculty of Education

A short summary of Elzahn`s research: 

My current research project, situated in the field of sociology of inclusive education, aims to add to the limited body of knowledge investigating the leadership and management practices at special-needs and full-service schools in South African.

In light of transformation efforts concentrated on inclusion in the South African education system, my current research project focuses those leading innovation at school level. The project is focused on understanding how school managers are ‘leading inclusion’ in innovative ways at two types of schools in the Western Cape province - full service schools and special needs schools - that teach the national curriculum and assessment policy (currently CAPS) to a diversity of students.

In schools where the main goal is to accommodate students with special educational needs, the creation of a positive, inclusive culture is vital if the aim is to integrate a diversified student body into the schooling system and to ensure academic success. School managers' daily practices and their professional (as well as personal) identities and emotions affect the formation of informal and formal school spaces, as well as the broader school culture. Ultimately, it shapes the teaching and learning experience in classrooms.

As a study in the sociology of inclusive schools, it primarily focuses on understanding the participants’ place-making at their respective schools, with a specific focus on their practices to ‘lead inclusion’. The process of place-making implies that places are created and recreated by the people who live in them. The study aims to acquire a fine-grained reading and understanding of the subjectivities of the participants as well as the school’s institutional culture and their unique contexts to understand how school managers are engaged in the process of creating more inclusive spaces at school.

Data will be collected through the use of participant observations, unstructured and semi-structured interviews, document analysis and focus group interviewing. Data analysis will follow a thematic analysis approach focused on the various aspects relates to the research questions guiding the study.

Data collection will commence in June 2022 and is supported by a NRF Thuthuka grant (2022-2024).


Research for Impact is one of the core strategic themes in SU`s Vision 2020. How does your research relate to that?

The aim of the research study is to unearth some innovative leadership practices impacting and transforming complex school spaces (special needs and full-service schools), and to share our findings with the broader education leadership community. We envision creating and facilitating an ongoing community of practice amongst the research participants to support their leadership innovation.


In the ever-changing environment of academia, what are some of the obstacles early career researchers are faced with?   

Time available to do research and writing :) A lot of time is used for teaching & learning.


What would you regard as the most important aspects to consider to effectively support early career researchers?       

A mentor that is kind, caring and supportive! Once a trust relationship is built this relationship has helped me navigate the complexities of the HE space.


What excites you about your work?   

All the opportunities for innovation, using your creativity and impacting the community - in my case - teachers and learners at schools.


When you're not in the lab, library or in the field conducting research, what do you do to unwind?

Creating music and being in nature makes me happy.


How has the ECAD programme of SU contributed to your research career?     

ECAD has been an incredible community of support in my early career journey. ECAD had offered training opportunities, community building amongst mentees and mentors, and funds toward innovation in my teaching and research efforts at SU.


What advice, if any, would you look to impart to future early career academics?

Reach out and become part of a community of academics that are interdisciplinary!


Connect with Elzahn and her work!

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elzahn-Rinquest