welcome home

Who We Are

EBB & Glow Village is a year-round community of artists and builders, musicians and magic-makers based in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. We are a theme village at Burning Man and the UnSCruz Regional Burn, and we also hold gatherings, events, and campouts throughout the year. All our off-playa events (including UnSCruz) are open to anyone willing to participate—If you're with us, then you're part of us.

We're a camp for community-oriented burners who like to do things and make things and be part of something bigger. We don't provide a shared kitchen, meals, water, or any cushy amenities, but what we do offer is an open and real community with tons of opportunities for you to create, participate, and experience Burning Man on a broader and deeper level. 

Unlike most camps, we direct pretty much ALL of our resources and manpower towards public service and interactivity. We believe in supporting and holding space for campers to create, gift and share what they're passionate about. That's why we have more unique theme camps and interactive projects than any 90-person camp on playa. Socially and organizationally we function more like one theme camp hosting a ton of semi-autonomous projects, all of which are supported by a shared volunteer community.

A history of big art

Our unique ethos comes from our history: We originally came together to build big art, and between 2009 and 2014 our group was responsible for the some of the biggest Big Burn art projects of those years. Back then, we were East Bay Burners CORE Camp, the art support camp for the official Org-sanctioned Burning Man Regional Group whose membership covered any burner living in the entire East Bay. Anyone could submit projects, and after a vote we'd get together and bust ass all summer to build it. 

We'd arrive a week early and build through apocalyptic conditions on the open playa, manifesting massive structures with our blood, sweat, and tears just to see it burn—And we loved it. More often than not, we'd bring forth not one but TWO big burnable art projects in any given year.

When Burning Man discontinued the CORE (Circle of Regional Effigies) in 2014, we changed our name to EBB and Glowthe "EBB" stands for "East Bay Burners". Though no longer directly affiliated with the Org, we continued to build art. That year we built two projects, including the The Alien Siege Machine—the Friday night burn, which was our biggest project yet. 

After many years as art builders, we decided to try our hands at building a something different in 2015—and EBB & Glow Village as a Theme Village was born. We found that building interactivity and community was in many ways even more fun and fulfilling than building giant art, so we've been at it ever since. 

In no particular order are some of the things our group has made and done:
Anubis (2012) x2, The Alien Siege Machine (2014), Fertilitree (2012), Dylan spinning fire, Cranky's viral triangle-wheeled bike, The Trojan Horse (2011), The Alien Siege Machine (2014), First Home (2013), and The Kraken (2014)