frequently asked questions

Here you will find the answers to most of your general questions regarding placement, registration, and tickets. 

If you're already a registered camper, go to Important Camping Info for all the juicy details about camping with us on playa. 

If you have received a ticket for 2024, the ticket receipt comes with this info that is shared here so you can remember to go look at this information and cover all the links that are shared with you when you get a ticket.

You have a ticket. Now what? 

You can learn about the 2024 theme for Black Rock City using this link:   Burning Man 2024: Curiouser & Curiouser

Everyone should read the most recent Survival Guide. 

If you would like to volunteer for The Man at Black Rock City or before, use this form to show your interest:  Volunteer Questionnaire

Subscribe to the Jackrabbit Speaks and the Burning Man Journal.  The Jack Rabbit Speaks is the main listserv emails with updated, monthly emails.  Stay updated by signing up for it using the link provided.   

And if you want to track how long before Black Rock City gates open, use this by way of their website.  How long?… we’ve got you covered.

Lastly, check out the HIVE Network at the Burning Man website for great content and information.   Connect with fellow Burners on Hive

What's going on with Burning Man tickets?

We talk about ticket sales in our Village Meetings.  There is a part of the portal to see all our meeting minutes.  This includes registration fees for our village.  They increase as we get closer to the opening of Black Rock City.  We have information about how to obtain a village dues/fees refund and the deadlines as well.  So check out our meeting minutes.  

Check out Burning Man's Ticket Sales page and the Frequently Asked Questions from Ticket Support.  Tickets are exchanged via STEP or exchanged hand-to-hand.  You can read about STEP in the above links and be careful of buying tickets from scalpers.  

If you bought tickets, or accepted a transferred ticket, check your ticket status here:

Yes, it's a totally separate ticketing website with a separate login that is different from your login for Burner Profiles. 

If your tickets are Will Call, you won't receive anything in the mail. Information about when tickets are mailed out are in the links above.

You can check your ticket status (shipping status, tracking number, or if it's Will Call) on the ticketing site. 

Here is the contact info for Customer Support: 

Are you accepting new campers?

We currently have some room.  All new campers should go through an acculturation orientation meeting that is about an hour.  You can ask to be considered as one of our campers and the April 2024 meeting minutes explains how one goes about requesting to camp with EBB&Glow Village.  This information is in this website portal.  

Where is EBB & Glow placed?

For 2024, we do not have that information yet.  We have been placed on the Esplenade as well as in great locations within the city. We will post our assigned location here when it's available. 

What amenities do you provide?

EBB & Glow Village will provide: 

You will need to bring your own: 

You can—and are encouraged to—make arrangements to share kitchen setups, meals, and other resources with your friends and neighbors. Find your neighbors on the Village Map.  

Need to find someone to bring up water or gear? Check out the Village Rideshare!

What do I need to do?

When will work shifts be assigned?

Each year, we have a shifts scheduler that is either owned by the camp lead or the village.  Use the Who's Who list found in this portal website to find out who is leading a camp.  Let them know if you would like to volunteer.  Later, our Volunteer Coordinator will begin reaching out to our campers and help you find good shifts.   

I'm coming early, how do i get a wap (work access pass)?

WAP (Work Access Passes) are early arrival passes that let you into the event during Build Week so you can help build. They are separate from BM tickets and you will still need a ticket to get in. They are assigned by date—for example, if you have a Thursday WAP, you can arrive on playa Thursday or later during Build Week, but you will not be able to arrive earlier than Thursday. 

Work Access Passes have have not yet been assigned. If you are assigned one you will get more info by email.   A limited number of WAPs are given to our village so let us know if you would like to come early and we will try to accomodate you.  

What should I bring to Burning Man?

You are responsible for being Radically Self-Reliant and bringing everything you need to Burning Man, including your own food and water, plus bringing or making arrangements with friends for your own kitchen setup.

There is A TON of VERY thorough information on Google, Facebook groups, Reddit, and the greater internet on what to bring and and how to prepare for Burning Man. Here are some links to get you started:

Burning Man Survival Guide

Burning Man First Timer's Guide

What are the 10 Principles?

Burning Man Preparation Resources

Orphan Endorphin's VERY Detailed Burning Man Prep Guide

Is there any place In camp to store fuel?

There will be solar power available for all campers for reasonable personal use (like device and battery charging), so most campers should not need to bring a generator. The village is not going to police personal fuel storage. Just be safe, don't store it on the ground, and don't get ticketed or else you're paying for it.

We will have a designated area ("Fuel Depot") for liquid fuel storage.  Use the Who's Who List of Leads on this portal to inform the Fuel Czar know that you would like to bring fuel.  There  are very specific compliance rules the village must adhere to so it's important to let us know ASAP so we can talk to you about authorization and storage requirements. You MUST make arrangements ahead of time if you plan to use the fuel storage depot.  We usually send out a fuel survey that is used to figure out our village needs and to keep compliant.  That survey link is in meeting minutes and on an email that went out to the listserv.   We are asking that fuel not be stored inside your RV's and in our fuel depots for BMorg compliance.  

How do I transfer a ticket?

There are two ways to transfer your ticket or vehicle pass to someone else: 

The tickets must be accepted by the the person you're transferring it to in order to complete the transfer. Click here for instructions on how to receive tickets:
How to receive transferred tickets or a vehicle pass

Ticketing Phone Support: 1-844-272-6505
Hours: Mon - Fri (7am - 3pm) Pacific Time

How do I receive a transferred ticket?

If someone is transferring a ticket or vehicle pass to you, you must accept the tickets in order to complete the transfer. If you forget to accept the tickets, they will remain in the ticketing account of the original ticketholder.

Click here for instructions on how to receive tickets:
How to receive transferred tickets or a vehicle pass

Transferred tickets automatically default to Will Call pick up.

Ticketing Phone Support: 1-844-272-6505
Hours: Mon - Fri (7am - 3pm) Pacific Time

Can I resell my dgs work ticket if I can't go?


These are work tickets that were allocated to us by Placement for the express purpose of bringing our interactivity to playa. Email James at   if you can't go, and we will reassign your ticket to someone else in the village. We reserve first rights to the Steward Sale tickets since we use them for early arrival and build infrastructure.  Please do not sell your Steward Sale ticket before communicating with James about that.  

If you resell a work ticket without the village's consent, we will NEVER assign you another work ticket again.

Will you refund my dues if I can't go?

Yes. If something comes up after you register and you can't go, email Rinah ( ) before July 31 and we'll refund your dues.

After registration, Can i change my info?

Yes. If you're making changes to your Campsite or camping arrangements, then email Phil ( with your changes.

Can I still participate if I don't live in the bay area?

Yes! Although our physical meetings and builds are in the Bay Area, we have campers from all over playing major roles in the village, including several of our theme camp leads. 

All our meetings have an videochat option, so anyone can participate remotely.

And of course, you can (and are required to) participate on-playa.

Can I bring my small child?

We're not an "adult-themed" camp, but we ARE a camp full of adults at Burning Man, who enjoy doing various adult things that Burning Man is famous for. We have been assigned placement in neighborhoods full of bars and sex dungeons, and there won't be other kids to play with. Your mileage may vary, but most parents would not consider our camp to be an appropriate place for little kids to spend a week.

You should consider camping with Kidsville if you want to bring your kids. It's a camp for burner families, with trampolines and play structures and tons of other kids their own age to play with. There are art car rides and organized family-friendly activities. It's safer, more secure, in a quieter area, and they don't allow drugs or public sexual activity.

Here's some more info: Welcome to Kidsville

And here's the Kidsville FB group: Kidsville Facebook Group

Can my theme camp join your village?

If your camp will be at Burning Man this year and you're interested in joining forces, then email Phil ( ASAP so we can explore options.