First Time Campers

Welcome to EBB & Glow! 

In the past, we required that every new camper (virgin or not) joining us at Burning Man be vouched for and sponsored by an existing camper.  However, this is not required this yaer.  If you do have a village sponsor,  write down who your sponsor is when you fill out Registration.  The link to our registration form is provided to new campers after an interview and a short orientation meeting.. Your sponsor is held accountable if you're a lazy garbage animal, so be a good friend and don't be trash. 

In order to understand our ethos and philosophy, please review our page titled "NEW TO EBB&GLOW? HOW WE ROLL"

If you're a first-time EBB & Glower but have been to Burning Man before, head directly over to Important Camping Info to get set up with camp communications and camping details.