Welcome virgin

Virtual BUrgin Orientation

Welcome Burgin! YOU'RE GOING TO BURNING MAN! And it's gonna be wilder, more challenging, and way more intense than you can possibly imagine. 

We want to bring good people to playa, and we want to make sure that everyone who camps with us is prepared for the harsh environment and unique culture that is Black Rock City. 

That's why we require all first-time Burners to attend one of our upcoming Virtual Virgin Orientations. Stay tuned to learn those dates To Be Announced soon.

Connect with the village

Go to Important Camping Info to get set up with village communications, and for details on how to camp in the village.  Read the How We Roll at EBB&Glow.    Attend the Newbie Orientation for all who are new to EBB &Glow Village.  Stay tuned to the listserv or a personal email sent to you with the dates for the online meeting options.  

Playa Prepping Resources

There is A TON of VERY thorough information on Google, Facebook groups, Reddit, and the greater internet on what to bring and and how to prepare for Burning Man. Here are some links to get you started:

Burning Man Survival Guide

Burning Man First Timer's Guide

What are the 10 Principles?

Burning Man Preparation Resources

Orphan Endorphin's VERY Detailed Burning Man Prep Guide

What Does My Sponsor Do?

Your Sponsor is the EBB & Glow camper who invited and vouched for you. 

They are responsible for helping you get prepared for Burning Man. They will be your guide and go-to person if you run into issues or need help at the event. If you ever have any questions, ask your sponsor first and chances are they should be able to help you get sorted out.