


  • Ring! The school dismissal bell finally rang. Packing our bags in a flash, we sprinted out of the school in high spirits.

  • The joyous toll of the school bell reverberated throughout the school, signalling our liberation. My bosom buddy and I sprinted gleefully out of the school gates while chatting animatedly.

  • Ring! A familiar sound of liberation pierced through my ears. At breakneck speed, we dashed out of the school gate. It was a sweltering day. I was logy from the sun and my mind felt sticky and slow.


  • In the classroom, students sat hunched over their desks, scribbling furiously. There was pin-drop silence.

  • The classroom was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop as everyone sat hunched over their desks, scribbling furiously, anxious to ace the examination.

  • Time seemed to slow to a crawl as we stared at the clock in the classroom, willing the school bell to ring faster.

  • The teacher droned on and on in his monotonous voice.

Shopping Mall

  • Dying to escape the intense heat, I entered an air-conditioned mall. I roamed around aimlessly, getting some much-needed respite from the intense heat.

  • The mall was abuzz with activity as hordes of people milled about the shopping mall.

  • There was a myriad of eye-catching window displays vying for shoppers’ attention.

  • Shoppers flitted from store to store, hoping to catch the best bargains.

  • Swiftly, I meandered through the crowded atrium to make my way towards my friends.

  • A sea of chaos was reigning in the mall. Pandemonium ensued as children and adults scrambled for cover.


  • An assembly line of cars queued up in an orderly manner at the traffic junction, waiting for the lights to change.

  • Boisterous laughter and chatter from children playing at the playground filled the air.

Replacing “One day/morning”

  • It was a sweltering day.

  • It was a balmy Sunday morning.

  • The sun shone brightly in the cerulean skies.

  • Beads of perspiration formed on my forehead in the sweltering heat.

  • The sweltering heat sent beads of perspiration trickling down her forehead.

  • The sun shone with all its might in the cloudless sky, making it the perfect day for (outdoor activity).

  • The hot sun was blazing overhead in the cloudless sky.

  • Within what seemed to be a mere few seconds, the sun began to shine softly on the streets. (describing daybreak)

Clear/Windy Day

  • The breeze ruffled my hair fondly.

  • With a spring in my step, I made my way home.

  • Wool-like clouds drifted across an azure sky.

  • A gentle breeze caressed my face and it was the start of a brand-new day.

  • It was a clear, cerulean sky with clouds scudding overhead.

  • Verdant trees lined the pathways, their leaves rustling in the wind.

  • The sight of lush greenery and the gentle chirps of melodious songbirds immediately soothed my senses.

Rainy Day

  • Dark clouds loomed ahead while he was on his way home.

  • The wind was howling and soon, there was a heavy downpour.

  • Lightning flashed across the darkened sky. A clap of thunder followed seconds later. I ran for shelter with my schoolbag placed over our heads.

  • Rain pelted down from the skies and frantic pedestrians made a dash for the nearest shelter.


  • “On your mark, get set, go!” the umpire announced.

  • The spectators erupted into thunderous cheers as the referee blew a shrill whistle, signalling the commencement of yet another exciting/exhilarating race.