
Violent crime involving the police/ambulance

  • Just as he was about to reach the other side of the road, a reckless driver behind the wheel of a Honda SUV sped down the road like a bullet being fired out of a gun.

  • The driver pulled his emergency brake and his car screeched to an abrupt halt. Unfortunately, it was still too late. Jack was flung against the car’s bonnet, and with a dull thud, he landed on the road, unconscious.

  • He lay in a sprawl on the road, his arms and legs in contorted positions. Children could be heard screaming in the background. A pool of crimson blood had formed beneath him.

  • The driver gasped in horror at the scene in front of him. Passers-by stopped, gawking at the scene of the collision.

  • The driver tumbled out of his Ferrari and ran to Jack. He was aghast to discover the disaster. With trembling fingers, he fished out his phone and jabbed “995”.

  • Within minutes, the piercing wails of the ambulance could be heard. Paramedics rushed out of the ambulance and lifted Jack onto the stretcher in a rehearsed fashion.

  • The crowd parted swiftly to allow the paramedics to attend to the injured.

  • Two police cars soon arrived at the scene as well, and the affected stretch of the road was promptly condoned off.

  • A stream of firefighters poured out of the vehicle.

  • Two men in blue sprang into action, interviewing the driver and witnesses while another two surveyed the scene and took photographs to collect the much-needed evidence.

  • He regained consciousness.

  • He woke up to the smell of antiseptic and found himself lying on the hospital bed. The doctor informed him that apart from the scratches and bruises sustained, he had fractured his leg and had to be hospitalised for four weeks.