‘MFHD’ technique – ‘My Father Has Diarrhoea’


  • Memories of that incident were etched deeply in my mind. I could never forget…

  • Till this day, I could still remember how…


  • Knowing that I had done the right thing, the feeling was inexplicable.

  • As I lay in bed that night, I felt a huge wave of relief gushing through me.

  • The incident would not have happened if I had been more careful (feeling of regret).


  • I hope that Marcus would turn over a new leaf…

  • I sincerely hope that ____ would learn from his mistake.


  • I made a mental note to never use my phone while walking.

  • After that incident, I aspired to become a doctor/fireman/policeman so that I could save more lives.

  • I decided to …

How to apply: Choose M + any 2 or all 3 from F, H and D

An example:

Till this day, I could still remember the incident vividly. I hope that my brother will learn a valuable lesson from this episode. I made a mental note that day to never take my loved ones for granted.