
  • I felt my blood boil. / I saw red.

  • Ablaze with ire, he stormed out of the room.

  • Fuming mad, his eyes flashed with anger.

  • My mother blew her top when she found out I was lying.

  • She flew into a rage.

  • He shot me an icy stare.

  • He gritted his teeth and approached me menacingly.

  • I clenched my jaw and balled my hands into fists.

  • In a fit of anger, he tore the pages out of his book and threw them away.

  • Needless to say, Father was livid with rage.

  • Engulfed in rage and unable to control himself, he threw a punch towards the other guy.

  • Seething with anger, she approached the group of boys.

  • Mrs Tan was incandescent with rage and she gave Julia a severe tongue-lashing as her unblinking eyes flashed with anger.