
  • I watched in horror and froze.

  • I broke out in cold sweat.

  • She shook like a leaf and turned as white as a sheet.

  • Sarah sobbed helplessly when she realised that…

  • He took two small steps backwards.

  • He was scared out of his wits.

  • My heart was pounding wildly.

  • He had his heart in his mouth when he was called to answer a question in front of the whole school.

  • Beads of perspiration trickled down his forehead.

  • Overcome with fright, she lost her balance and fell.

  • The scene that greeted me sent an unmistakable chill down my spine.

  • I took many deep breaths to calm my nerves.

  • I put my hand over my mouth, stifling a scream.

  • My body stiffened and my legs turned to jelly.

  • My face was tight with tension and my hands turned clammy.

  • A wave of unmistakable dread washed over me.

  • A shiver ran down her spine when she heard the door creaking eerily in the night.

  • Blood was drained from my face.

  • I gripped my phone tight with my clammy hand as my blood ran cold.

  • The pounding of my heart reverberated in my ears.

  • Fear ripped a blood-curdling scream from my throat.

  • For a moment, fear gripped our hearts as we wondered what might happen next.

  • Paralysed with fear, he became speechless.

  • My fertile mind ran wild and my heartbeat escalated.

  • I waited with bated breath, praying with all my might.

  • Intrusive thoughts invaded his twelve-year-old mind