
  • We were on cloud nine / in seventh heaven.

  • The children roared with laughter.

  • Squealing with delight, my sister ran around the room, unable to contain her euphoria.

  • She brightened up when she heard the good news.

  • Her heart swelled with pride as she received her award on stage.

  • He punched his fist in the air triumphantly when the judges announced that he had come in first place.

  • We were over the moon and jumped for joy.

  • A broad smile stretched across his face.

  • Her bright smile/laughter was infectious.

  • Tears of joy streamed down my cheeks in rivulets.

  • Excitement bubbled up in her heart when she heard her parents talking about a holiday in Japan.

  • She beamed and her face lit up with a smile.

  • I screamed in delight and punched my fist in the air.

  • His heart was fizzing with excitement.

  • His eyes twinkled with enthusiasm.

  • We burst into peals of laughter.

  • He burst into sporadic fits of laughter, oblivious to the stares around him.

  • She nearly fell over in elation on learning that she had been chosen to represent her school.