

  • Slapping my forehead, I exclaimed, “How could I forget?”

  • My heart skipped a beat and my mouth went dry.

  • His mother was frantic with worry.

  • My palms turned clammy and I broke out in a cold sweat.

  • He tried to suppress the butterflies in his stomach, but to no avail.

  • She began to feel faint from all the tension that was building up in her.

  • Her heart palpitated and cold sweat trickled down her forehead.

  • My eyes darted nervously around the venue, searching for a familiar face.

  • I tried to focus on the rhythmic inhalation and exhalation of my own breath as I tried to quell my trembling nerves.

  • It was not a situation I had ever contemplated encountering.

  • He scanned his surroundings frantically, hoping to find that familiar face – his best friend.