VCST 5383: 

Family Violence

I am so excited you are here!! 

This site is your guide to Family Violence. To get started, watch this short video (6 minutes) about the course. 

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to: 

1) Explain family violence, including different types and causes

2) Discuss the consequences of family violence

3)  Identify approaches to help those impacted by family violence


I know, many of us dread reading a long text-heavy document with a bunch of rules and policies. I promise (like most of my teaching) this syllabus is different from what you are probably used to! Below are links with information pertaining to the course content, what you need to complete the course, and expectations and resources. 

This format might be a little overwhelming and different from what you are used to, so I also give you a brief one-page abbreviated syllabus with a summary. 

VCST5383 Syllabus Summer 2023.pdf

When does the course begin? 

The course begins on June 1, but I recommend logging onto the course Blackboard as soon as you can! 

How long is the class?  

This is a summer 10-week long, online course.  

What do I need to complete the first week? 

Modules 1 and 2 in Blackboard. This includes setting up your e-portfolio and saying hello to your classmates. 

What will I need to complete each week? 

Each week has a corresponding module (i.e., Module 1 = Week 1). However, week 1 your have two modules to complete (I'm sorry, this is due to the 10-week structure!). You'll need to complete a reflection and discussion each module. 

In the final module, you'll submit your final project and finalized e-portfolio. 

This is a semester-long course (15 weeks) turned into 10 weeks! Expect to spend about 4-5 hours each week on this course (9-12 hours weekly is what you are supposed to spend on a 3 credit 10 week course). 

Achievement of the learning objectives will be measured through the following assignments/activities (click the links for more detail on each assignment):

E-Portfolio (620 points)

Discussions (275 points) 

Infographic OR Social Media Campaign (105 points) - You choose!! The assignments are almost identical, it's just different formats (a flyer versus social media posts). 

Total: 1,000 points

When are assignments/discussions due each week?

All assignments are best by Wednesdays 11:59pm.  

Here is a broad schedule of activities. Click here to make a copy and check items off as you complete them! 

Summer 2023 VCST 5383 Schedule

Are there live (online or in-person) sessions? 

No, this class is fully online. I will offer optional Zoom check-ins. 

Is there a required textbook? 

There is no textbook for this class.  I personally build all the material for the course myself based on the most current research and resources. All reading material will be available in our Blackboard course (open access). There are numerous required readings and videos. All links are located in the associated modules on Blackboard. If you really want a textbook (completely optional), I recommend Family Violence Legal, Medical, and Social Perspectives By Harvey Wallace, Cliff Roberson, Julie L. Globokar. 

Please Visit the Frequent Asked Questions FAQS page for more information!!