Module 1:

What is Research and Why is it Important?


This module is focused on understanding the importance and basics of research

Why do we start here? Research has become a hot topic! There have been accusations of misinformation and fake news. Often, research is reported using jargon and terminology that is not accessible to the public or communities. By having a better understanding of research, including how to spot misrepresentations of research, it will help make you more critical consumers of information.

Learning outcomes: You will be able to discuss the different types and purposes of research. You will also be able to describe the importance of research. You will also be able to explain how the media can distort research reporting 

What we will do: We will watch four YouTube videos. We will also read an article and complete a Quizizz activity. You can reflect privately or on Discord! 

What is research and why is it important?

Research is the process of systematically gathering information on something to better understand it. As researchers, we are a part of a larger community that creates knowledge and sheds light on a patterned social phenomenon. Typically, the type of research method we use is determined by the kinds of questions we ask or would like to learn more about.

Research is what folks typically say gives us distinct “facts” about our world. 

Facts are statements that can be verified with research whereas opinions cannot. 


Dogs are better than cats. - Opinion

Dogs are the most popular pet on the planet. - Fact

People may state opinions when we interview them in research and we can summarize their responses. We can say "The majority of a group indicated the program can be improved by XYZ." That is a fact because we can verify based on the number of people for a majority. 

Optional: Participate in this Quizizz! This activity will ask you to identify whether each statement is fact or opinion. Code: 8940 4935

Watch the two videos in the YouTube Playlist about research and why it is important. In the second video, Bree shares why research is important to her personally! 

Think about what the why is for you. What are you passionate about? How can research assist in the work you do? Why did you want to join this project? Share anything you are willing to in the Module 1 discussion on Discord or privately in your own notes. 

The media can distort research findings, making it difficult to find legit information

Watch this video. Bree describes the importance of finding legit information and how the media can make it challenging.

If you have time... watch this video (20 minutes): Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Scientific Studies

YouTube rules won't let us embed it because it's age-restricted, so feel free to hop off the training site to watch!

The Takeaway: Understanding research and research methods makes us better consumers of information and community members! We can more easily spot whether information is reliable or legit. Being more informed on research helps us fully show up, whether in our organizations and communities... and especially when we vote on policies!