Module 7:

Opening Our Minds


This module is focused on creating an open mind

Why do we start here? When we conduct research, often we discover information and experiences that may contradict our own views and experiences. Learning how to keep an open mind can help us maintain healthy boundaries between our own lives and experiences and those of participants. An open mind also allows us to let in new ideas and information to build our own understandings of the world. 

Learning outcomes: You will be able to discuss why having an open mind is important and how to keep an open mind throughout the research process. 

What we will do: We'll be watching two short videos and completing an Open Mind certificate program. 

Creating an Open Mind

Watch the two YouTube videos about being open-minded:

We create an open mind to allow space for learning about the experiences of others. Being open-minded is a skill and is not easy! 

But, having an open mind doesn't mean a blank slate. We each come into this project and the research process with previous knowledge and experiences that are important to acknowledge and hold throughout the process. We will dive more into this in upcoming modules. 

Complete the OpenMind program (includes a certificate)

How to use OpenMind

OpenMind is an interactive online program that explores the inner workings of the mind and the psychological roots of our ideological differences. The program will equip you with insights and skills to help you better understand yourself and others. It will empower you to be more in control of your thoughts and feelings so that you can make better decisions, be happier, and navigate challenging conversations more effectively.

The program consists of 8 interactive lessons, each of which takes ~30 minutes to complete. After you complete each lesson, you'll receive a reminder email to continue moving through the program.

To begin using OpenMind, please follow these steps:

Note: In case you're prompted, the access code for your group is BoppreSamHoustonStateUniversityS22 (case-sensitive).

On Discord under Module 7, tell us how you feel about this Module. How do you think keeping an open mind will help throughout the project? How was the OpenMind activity? 

The Takeaway: Keeping an open mind helps us maintain healthy boundaries between our own lived experiences and what participants tell us about their lives and experiences.  Having an open mind can also open us to new experiences and ideas that we may not of thought of before!