FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

When does the course begin? 

The course begins on August 26, but I recommend logging onto the course Blackboard as soon as you can! 

How long is the class?  

This is a semester-long course (about 15 weeks). 

What do I need to complete the first week? 

Module 1 in Blackboard. This includes setting up your e-portfolio and saying hello to your classmates. 

What will I need to complete each week? 

Each week has a corresponding module (i.e., Module 1 = Week 1). In each module (2-11), you'll have two-three interactivities (videos, readings, activities) in Blackboard, a module reflection to be completed in your e-portfolio (then, submit the link in Blackboard), and a discussion (in Blackboard). 

In modules 12 and 13, you'll submit your final project and finalized e-portfolio. 

Expect to spend about 3-4 hours each week on this course.

What do I need to earn an A?!

I grade based upon completion. As long as you answer all the questions in reflection/discussion prompts fully and accurately, I will not deduct points. There is also a clear rubric for the final project to help you succeed! I also allow for resubmissions on your module relfections until the data above, so if you do miss points and want a higher grade, you can have the opportunity to fix them.

You can also choose not to earn an A, and that's totally fine! 

I use 1,000 points total, so it is easy to calculate your grade. For example, if you have 900 points, your percentage is 90% (A). 

How do I submit an assignment? 

Please submit all assignments on Blackboard. Blackboard helps me keep all of your grades and assignments organized in one spot! Please do not try to submit assignments over email unless there is an issue and I ask you to do so. 

For responses to questions, you can submit a Microsoft Word document or in the submission box. Be sure to submit through "Write submission" and not as comments. 

Please include the question numbers when applicable! You do not need to include the questions, but please do include the numbers with your answers. 

You can upload files to submit by clicking "Attach files" > "Browse computer."

Sadly, Pages files (Mac) are not compatible in Blackboard. You'll need to convert to Microsoft Word or copy and paste into the submission box. 

Be sure to hit "submit." If you save a draft and do not submit, I will not be able to see it. 

Submitting in Ultra

Here is a guide on how to view your grades and feedback in Ultra. 

I am still learning Blackboard Ultra and will share tutorials as I get them!! A list of guides is available from SHSU. 

What if I need to submit something late? 

I have "best by" dates - the assignments work best when you submit by the due dates posted in Blackboard. These best by dates are in place for me provide timely feedback to help you improve, help you build towards the next module, and so you can interact with classmates completing the module at the same time. I advise submitting by the due dates on Blackboard or within one week. 

Think of this approach like the best by date on food. It is best consumed (fresh and delicious) by the advised date, but you could potentially still eat it or use it after the date.  

As feedback is intended to help you improve, if you submit more than two weeks late, please do not expect detailed feedback. 

I will accept ANYTHING from Modules 1-11 until November 20 11:59pm and your final reflections/projects until December 4 11:59pm. After that, the modules will close and be inaccessible, so make sure you complete what you plan to by this date!! Final grades are due to the registrar, so I must ensure I physically and mentally have enough time to grade. SHSU is not as chill on deadlines as I am. 

I do not deduct ANY points for late work. 

You do not need to contact me or reach out if you are submitting after the due date, however, I do appreciate communication and I may be able to provide resources. I do not need any doctor's notes or proof/justification to submit anything up until the dates above. 

Late work may take longer to grade and contain less detailed feedback. 

Here is a link to a full discussion of expectations for you as the student and me as the instructor. 

When can I expect my assignments to be graded?

You can expect grades and feedback within one week of assignments IF submitted on-time. I am only teaching part-time and have a full-time job outside of this class. I usually grade on Thursdays/Fridays. If you submit late after I have already graded for the week, you will likely need to wait a full week to receive feedback. 

Can I work ahead?

Yes, you can! Usually, I have modules prepped and ready for you. However, I do not grade ahead. I grade each module a couple days after the best by date. 

Can I resubmit assignments for a better grade?

Yes! I understand my teaching aproach may be very different from what you are used to. I allow resubmissions up to the dates listed above. 

To resubmit, submit another attempt on Blackboard. If you ever have an error or mistake, or if you would like to resubmit for a higher grade based upon feedback, YOU CAN ALWAYS SUBMIT ANOTHER ATTEMPT in Blackboard! No need to email me if this happens, you can simply submit another attempt with the correct version and I will grade your most recent attempt.  

To submit another attempt, click "Start Attempt #" (BB Ultra).  

How do I contact Dr. Bree Boppre (my instructor)? 

Email: bxb078@shsu.edu

I am happy to answer questions and chat with you over email, phone, or Zoom!! I am usually available to chat/meet with you 9am-4pmPT Monday through Friday virtually (business days/hours). I work full-time outside of teaching this course and have a toddler, so my availability is a bit limited. I will try my very best to respond within 1-3 days. 

When sending emails, please follow these guidelines to ensure a timely response:

Use the course name in the subject line of the email

Sign your full name (including your student ID is a plus!) 

Use your SHSU email address

When can I expect a response?

I usually will respond to you via email within 1-3 days. I probably will not respond during weekends, holidays, or evenings. I have a full-time job and family, so I make sure to stay present for them outside of 9am-4pm Monday through Friday. 

I will let you know if/when I am traveling and unavailable during regular hours (9am-4pm). I usually have an out of office reply message. 

By providing info about the class you are in and who you are (see above), I will respond quicker because I won't need to look up as much information. 

Ayden says thank you for understanding our work/life boundaries! 

How will Dr. Boppre communicate with me? 

I primarily communicate with you through Blackboard announcements. I make announcements at least once a week. I will also send you an email at the beginning of the term and about halfway through to let you know your progress in the class. I may send additional emails if I cannot open a file or to provide a grade check. 

What equipment will I need

Students will need an active Sam Houston account to access the course website through Blackboard. This site will have announcements, assignment memos, and other course materials. Students will need reliable internet access in order to participate in this class and receive a passing grade. Online Attendance Students enrolled in distance education courses at Sam Houston State University are expected to maintain ongoing course engagement in order to uphold positive academic standing with the University. In an online environment, "attendance" is more than just logging into a course, or the Learning Management System (LMS). Online attendance is measured by your academic engagement with the course content, course tools, course instructor, and with other students in the course. In order to keep your financial aid, you need to complete any components in Module 1 within the verification deadline (the 12th day of the semester). 

Content Warning

Much of the content comes directly from the perspectives of those directly affected by victimization and system-involvement. Some readings and videos in this course will contain explicit material (i.e., violence, strong language, sexual content). I will always give notice about such content beforehand. I also offer alternative assignments. The material in this course is heavy! I want to prioritize your well-being.  

What if I'm a survivor of victimization/trauma or experienced something related to the class?

First of all, welcome! You are not alone. Many students who enter victim studies have experienced victimization. I am trained in trauma-informed teaching and teach using survivor-centered approaches. This class will have heavy content. I provide detail on strategies for self-care and disclosing personal experiences. For many who've experienced trauma (including myself), college can be a space for introspection and getting connected to valuable resources that can help you! I want to support you in that journey. I am a mandated reporter, which means I must report disclosures of child abuse, elder abuse, and any sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking that is alleged to have been committed by or against a person who was a student enrolled at or an employee of the institution at the time of the incident. Disclosing can occur in assignments, discussions, or personal communications. To avoid triggering a report, leave out specific details, like time, location, names. If you say broadly "I'm a survivor of [domestic violence, sexual assault, etc]", that will NOT trigger a report. 

What if I am overwhelmed with stress due to social/health/personal issues? 

Your health and well-being come first. We cannot learn if we are unwell. Communicate with me if you feel comfortable. I do not need to know details. Please note that I am a mandatory reporter, which means I must report harm and abuse that occurs on campus or during campus events as well as child and elder abuse. 

The SHSU Student Success Center is available to help you with academic issues. 

Other confidential resources include The SAAFE House (for sexual assault and family violence) 24-hour crisis hotline 936-291-3369 or 936-327-2513, National Domestic Violence Hotline, Montgomery County Women’s Center 24-hour crisis hotline 936-441-7273 and The 24-hour National Suicide Hotline 1-800-273-8255. 

To report gender-based harassment, assault, or discrimination on campus and/or involving a student or employee, visit SHSU's Title IX Office.

If you need to talk to someone confidentially, you can contact SHSU's Counseling Center directly and they offer free services for students, including group and individual counseling!!

Here is a great list of resources compiled by Megan Thee Stallion! https://www.badbitcheshavebaddaystoo.com/

Is there extra credit?

There will be various opportunities for extra credit throughout the semester. These opportunities will be located on Blackboard under the weekly Modules. The extra credit assignments are intended to enhance the core concepts learned in class. I offer extra credit because I want to give you every opportunity to earn an A! 

Here's your first chance at extra credit.... click here for a surprise. Enter a description of where the link took you in the pre-course survey (on Blackboard - Module 1). 

Cat meme: "I can haz extra credit?"

What is Dr. Boppre's approach to diversity, inclusion, and accessibility? 

Respect for Diversity (Adapted from Kelly Hogan):

It is my intent that students from all backgrounds and perspectives be well served by this course, that students’ learning needs be addressed both in and out of class, and that the diversity that students bring to this class be viewed as a resource and benefit to all. It is my intent to present materials and learning experiences that are respectful of diversity including gender, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, and culture. Your suggestions are encouraged and appreciated. I take your feedback seriously and will make changes. I ask for feedback anonymously throughout the class. Please let me know ways to improve the effectiveness of the course for you personally or for other students or student groups. In addition, if any of our class meetings conflict with your religious events, please let me know so that we can make arrangements for you.

Accessibility (adapted from Bates College): 

It is my goal to create a learning experience that is as accessible as possible. If you anticipate any issues related to the format, materials, or requirements of this course, please email me so we can explore potential options. Students with disabilities may also wish to work with SHSU's Services for Students with Disabilities to discuss a range of options to removing barriers in this course, including official accommodations. 

Can I ask for an incomplete?

You can ask me, but incompletes are reserved for situations where he student has not been able to complete the course because of emergency circumstances beyond the student’s control. These circumstances usually prevail over other drop dates and opportunities to withdraw from the course.

Please read through SHSU's policy and process of incompletes. If you do not complete the course by the end of the following semester, your grade will turn into an F!!