ESS Course IV Completed

Post date: Feb 06, 2017 6:42:39 PM

All four course resources can be accessed at the ESS section of the Useful Links page (see the menu on the left side of the page).

Interested in becoming an ESS Consultant or joining a garden club? If you are a garden club member and have completed all four Environmental Studies School courses and passed the exams, don't forget to apply to become an ESS Consultant (PDF document). If you missed one or more courses in the series, check the National Garden Clubs' schedule of course offerings at for upcoming classes in Florida and elsewhere. You may take courses in any order. Once you have successfully completed 2 courses, you may apply for provisional ESS Consultant status. And consider joining a garden club! See the List of District IV Member Clubs (PDF document) for garden clubs near you so you can network with others who share your interests and explore other aspects of gardening.

Course IV Resources and Slideshow:

    • Ecology/Hydrology - Melinda Simmons

    • Aquatic Plants - Melinda SImmons

Additional Resources:

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Thanks to all participants and congratulations to those who passed the exam! Below are the Course IV Resources and a Slideshow.