
District IV - District IV Runner Newsletter

Issued quarterly, the District IV Runner is free to download and read.  Each issue features timely information from our District IV FFGC Officers, Chairmen, members, and other informative sources.  Garden Club presidents are mailed a link to each quarterly publication so they can forward the article link to their members and share the information with their members.  Members can also read each article here.  If you have an article to submit or a suggestion for a topic, please contact the editor at   Note that the links in these newsletters will function best if you download the PDF document and open it from your computer.  Select an issue below:

District IV - Membership Newsletter

Our Assistant District Director, Steve Davies, is also the District's Membership Chair for 2023-2025.  One of his duties to to create regular newsletters with wonderful ideas for our clubs to use to increase their membership.  The newsletter is distributed to club presidents and their Membership Chairmen.  You may read the issues here or ask your officer to share them with the club.  FFGC also has a Membership Handbook  and other useful information at their Membership Information  page.  

The Deep South Garden Club Newsletter 

The Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc. has resumed activities with a new website, conference posting, and awards schedule. They are also publishing a newsletter twice yearly. The newsletters are posted at the Newsletter page.   This organization has a keen interest in flower arranging. 

FFGC - The Florida Gardener Magazine

Issued quarterly, the Florida Gardener Magazine is free to FFGC garden club members and is available electronically.  See The Florida Gardener Publications section at the FFGC website for the current issue and for archived publications.  You can have the magazine can be sent to you electronically by following the instructions in the document, "Subscribing to The Florida Gardener."

NGC - The National Gardener Magazine

The National  Gardener Magazine is posted electronically four times a year to the NGC website.  The National Gardener Magazine page links to the current issue as well as archived publications.  It also features a "Subscribe" option to have an electronic copy of the latest magazine emailed to you.

NGC Newscape Magazine

Newscape is the biannual NGC Landscape Design newsletter (published in the spring and fall) which provides news from the various state Landscape Design Councils and news about Landscape Design Schools. It also contains information on gardening, environmental, flower show, and the current schedule of NGC schools..

Newscape Magazine

NGC - Video Cafe

No ticket required!  Go to the Video Cafe, select a video, and enjoy!  One of the latest offerings is Doug Tallamy's Home Grown National Park initiative

NGC - The National Garden Club Blog

The National  Garden Club Blog is free to the public to subscribe.  Affiliated garden club members are invited to submit a Blog post.  Or you can just browse the articles and read what is of interest to you.   The link to the blog is in the upper right corner of the home page.

NGC - Additional Publications

NGC produces a wide range of Publications from children's books, Handbook for Flower Shows, Vision of Beauty Catalog, and reference materials for floral design, all available for purchase at the NGC Store.  Persons interested in NGC Study Schools will enjoy reading free copies of Newscape.

Free Youth Publications are available for download from the Publications page.  Select from these free Youth Publications:

See additional pages in this section:  Resources, Program IdeasPromotional Ideas, and Meeting Archives.