updated 9/14/2024


Overview of Resource Pages Section

Garden clubs are very diverse critters.  Who knows what you'll need to know?  In order to address these issues there are several pages of resources, listed below:

Dig in and enjoy!  And if you have any suggestions or questions, contact the webmaster.

Help and How-To

Gardening and Floral Arrangement Help

Organizational Resources

Two sections on this website provide information on our member clubs and our umbrella organizations and their leadership.

Resources for Club Officers

Website Orientation:  How-To

Gardening Organizations & Information:

University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agriculture Sciences:  County Extension Offices

UF/IFAS Master Gardener Webinar Archives - these webinars are made available to the public several weeks after they are recorded

Clay County Master Gardener Blog

Guana, Tolomato, Matanzas River National Estuarine Research Reserve

St. Johns River Water Management District - subscribe to Newsletter, or view Webinars.

The Florida Native Plant Society

Florida Forestry Association

Invasive Florida Plants from the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Online Guide to the Plants and Plant Life of Florida

Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council

Plant Real Florida

Trees Are Good

Florida Arborist Site (ISA)

Florida Statewide Endangered and Threatened Plant Conservation Program


North American Butterfly Association  

Butterflies and Moths of North America

Florida Wildflower Foundation 

Association of Florida Native Nurseries FANN is an industry resource for Florida native plants and native landscape and restoration services.

Creative Floral Arrangers of the Americas An organization dedicated to the continuation of the study and expansion of the creative art of flower arranging.

Florida Microplastic Awareness Project  Are you plastic aware?

Bringing Nature Home Books and lecture series about the benefits of native plant gardening by University of Delaware professor Doug Tallamy

American Orchid Society 

American Camellia Society

American Rose Society

American Daylily Society

Sustainable Gardening Slideshow by Ginny Stibolt, Florida Native Plant Society

UF IFAS Nature Knowledge Webinar Archives

2021 UF/IFAS Master Gardener Conference Webinar Archives

The Great Water Odyssey  - a series of family-oriented games developed by the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) to help children understand the nature of water

See additional pages in this section:  Program IdeasPromotional ideas, Meeting Archives, and Publications.