About Us:  Projects and Activities

updated 9/1/2023


Garden club members participate in a variety of projects to improve our communities, protect the environment, educate ourselves and others, and deepen our relationships with others.  Below are some projects we engage in that foster these objectives and enrich the world in which we live.

Centennial Arbor Day Tree Planting

To coincide with FFGC’s Centennial Arbor Day Tree Planting, all clubs are being encouraged to plant a native tree having exceptional wildlife support in a publicly accessible location.  The planting is to take place on Florida Arbor Day, January 19, at 11 AM (EST) or 10 AM (CST), or as close to the date as possible.  FFGC has  acquired $20,000 in funding from Duke Energy to provide $100 for each club to obtain one tree.  A second grant of $5,000 from National Wildlife Federation (NWF) will help clubs interested In providing native tree seedling giveaways to purchase the seedlings.  The documents below will help our members with this project:

Arbor Day Centennial Tree Planting

Blue and Gold Star Memorial Markers

Since 1950 our District and clubs have been proud to honor our military veterans  and their families with Blue or Gold Star Memorial Markers.  This program began with the National Garden Clubs in 1945.  Now there are over 3,000 memorial markers in the United States.  You can pay your respects at these memorials throughout the country and your FFGC-affiliated club can add to the number.  See our District IV Blue/Gold Star Memorial Markers document for our District locations.


We love to sponsor events and participate in activities that involve the community, from youth to seniors.  You're never to young to learn and never to old to have fun.  Making presentations, hosting floral arrangement workshops, and participating in community and organizational events provides us opportunities to enrich our neighbors and ourselves.


We support community organizations that serve the public.  From food drives, to financial support, in-kind gifts, and donations, we are happy to be involved in making our town and our world a better place to live in.  

Events, Classes and Hosting

Our clubs open their doors to the public for a variety of activities, including plant swaps, flower shows, open house parties, youth gardening activities, participating in fairs, community sales, tours, and games.  

Flower Shows and Floral Design Education

Local clubs host flower shows that are open to the public to attend and to contributed to.  National Garden Clubs and FFGC  offer accredited floral design or judging courses.  Clubs may also offer local Fun With Flowers classes.  Some clubs have committies that provide public demonstrations of floral design styles and techniques.

Historic Sites and Buildings Beautification

Local clubs spotlight holidays and historic sites by installing plants to beautify the area and call attention to its significance.  Clubs also beautify important buildings by designing decorations, either artificial or live, depending upon the site's stipulations.

Projects and Activities