

District IV Officers and Committee Chairs

District IV Theme -  Garden clubs Guardians of the natural world 

Links to our current and past District Leadership Rosters are below. Current District Officers and Chairmen may be contacted by email using the FFGC website. Sign on to the FFGC site and use the Advanced Search feature under the Directory menu to locate the member. Click on the member's name and use the SEND MESSAGE link provided.

See the About Us section for an overview of District IV, list of awards won, Policies and Procedures, Programs and Activities, and our District Director's message: 


See the Member Clubs section for the names of our District IV clubs/circles, current officers, and social media sites.  

District IV Logo

District IV Logo - click image to download

FFGC Map of Districts

Click image to download it

FFGC Officers and Committees

FFGC Theme -  Celebrating 100 Years

District IV is organized under the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs (FFGC), a state-wide association of twelve Districts.   Open the About FFGC page for the headquarters, history, location, and hours, and the current list of Officers, Directors, and Chairmen for the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs.

FFGC Officers for 2023-2025 - listed at the FFGC About Officers Page.  Bylaws and Standing Rules are under the  About FFGC  section.

Website:  www.ffgc.org


Membership Services ffgcmembership@gmail.com

Robin Hayes, Office Manager


1400 S. Denning Drive

Winter Park, FL 32789-5662


FAX 407-647-5479

If you don't live in northeast Florida and want to join a garden club, please visit the FFGC Membership page.  There are over 170 FFGC-affiliated clubs in Florida and they would love to have you join them!

FFGC Centennial logo

FFGC Centennial Logo - click image to download


Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc. Officers and Committees*

Deep South Garden Clubs' Theme -  Get Back to Nature

Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc, is an umbrella organization including Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee garden clubs.  Deep South offers awards based on state awards as well as non-affiliated awards, scholarships for students, and National Garden Club Schools, including Flower Show Schools.

See the About Us page at the Deep South Garden Clubs website.  Read the Deep South Region's Bylaws and Policies..

Website:   www.deepsouthgardenclubs.com

Contact Us:  deepsouthgardenclubs@gmail.com 

Officers:  Leadership page

*Website name change 12/2022

Deep South Garden Clubs Logo

Deep South Garden Clubs Logo - click  to download 

National Garden Clubs Officers and Committees

NGC Theme -  Go Green - Plant America

National Garden Clubs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization that aims to promote the love of gardening, floral design, and civic and environmental responsibility and it helps coordinate the interests and activities of state and local garden clubs in the U.S. and abroad.  It is the world's largest affiliation of garden clubs.  See the History and Mission section.  

NGC Officers and Directors for 2023-2025 are listed under the Member Resources link.  Bylaws and Standing Rules are under the Member Resources section.

President Brenda Moore's Project during her administration is "PLANT AMERICA - Feed America", which is a campaign to help feed the hungry across America. Learn more by visiting the PLANT AMERICA, Feed America Project Page. NGC asks that you let them know how you are helping out by sending them your Donation Form.

NGC offers awards based on state awards as well as non-affiliated awards, program grants, student scholarships, Blue and Gold Star memorials, and National Garden Club Schools, including Flower Show Schools.  See the Programs page, the Schools section, the Youth and Scholarships section,  and the Awards and Grants section for descriptions.  See the Forms Library  page for procedures for applying.

If you haven't joined a garden club, there are many clubs nationwide.  Use the National Garden Clubs' Join a Club Near You resource.

Website:   gardenclub.org

Facebook:   www.facebook.com/NGCSOCIALMEDIA

Contact Info

4401 Magnolia Avenue St. 

Louis, MO 63110

(314) 776-7574


National Garden Clubs Logo - click to download

Plant America image - click to download

Plant America comunity logo (click image to download it) Plant America Community Project Grants