finding jobs post phd

your journey is uniquely yours!

Your PhD journey — and the journey you take afterwards — will be full of many possibilities, no matter the direction you take. The resources and ideas below are meant to give you a taste of some of the options you have post-PhD, whether you decide to stay within academia and/or the university, or explore options elsewhere.

Check out these videos from The PhD Caring & Sharing Collective & CTLSA's 2023 What's Next? Exploring Academic & Non-Academic Career Pathways Event ...

Listen to PhD Sharing & Caring Collective founder, Lindsay Cavanaugh, ask OISE graduates Dr. Anjali Helferty and Dr. Dominique Riviere questions about their journey to industry jobs.

Dominique Riviere earned her Ph.D. in Curriculum Studies from OISE in 2006. She held positions in multiple sectors, including government, and technology / innovation, before creating Fictive Kin Equity Lab in 2020. Dominique is also an avid reader, an unabashed chocoholic, mother to the world’s most energetic 5-year-old, and wholly determined to someday live in a country where winter does not exist.

Anjali Helferty began her career in climate activism nearly 20 years ago with youth climate organising both in Canada and the United States. Her advanced education and environmental advocacy has focused on settler solidarity with Indigenous peoples and organisational management, knowledge which she now applies in leading The Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment. A few of Anjali’s favourite things are baking for friends and family, hosting singalong parties, and hanging out on the porch with her chatty baby.

Listen to PhD Sharing & Caring Collective speaker series organizer, Claudio Jaramillo-Yanquepe, ask Dr. Arlo Kempf questions about his journey to a tenure-track academic job at OISE.

Arlo Kempf is an Assistant Professor of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto. His research takes up issues of racial justice, white supremacy in education, teachers’ work, and anti-colonialism.

figuring out if you want to pursue an academic or non-academic career

Grounding yourself

academic job options

Here are some academic jobs you might want to consider applying for ...

What is the difference between an assistant professor, associate professor, and full professor? What does “tenure track” or “tenure stream” mean?

In essence, “tenure track” or “tenure stream” means that you will be working towards a full-time, secure faculty position at a university. Job ads might say “Assistant Professor--tenure stream” which means that, if hired as an assistant prof, you will spend the first few years of your position teaching, writing, and developing your publications and research portfolios. After review, you may be promoted to “Associate Professor,” with tenure granted, and then possibly to “Professor” as you continue to develop your teaching and research. 

For more university-based jobs, here are a few links you might like to check out. These links include faculty positions, as well as university student service and administrative positions: 

non-academic job options

Here are some non-academic jobs you might want to consider pursuing ...