Bahay Tsinoy

Written by Jamiel Nathan C. Reyes


If you are looking for some museums spots in the Intramuros, then you came in the right place! This is Bahay Tsinoy. It is a museum wherein it shows the collaboration between the Philippines and China . In this museum, you will see the documents about the the ethnic Chinese's history, lives, and contributions to Philippine life and history. Which would amaze and help our knowledge about the history between these two countries.

Peak of Bahay Tsinoy

Ching Ban Lee porcelain gallery

Life of Tsinoys in the 1800s

Books and Documentary materials

History and Facts about the Bahay Tsinoy

Bahay Tsino was first introduced back in 1999. This museum was designed by two people who worked hard in constructing this building for people like us. These people are Eva Penamora and Honrado Fernandez. They specifically planned this back in 1996. They constructed this so that people would know more about the heritage that the colonials influenced in our country from the past,

Eva Penamora

Honrado Fernandez

This museum which is the Bahay Tsinoy is all about advocating or promoting the cultivation of cultural identity and understanding between the local Chinese and Filipino communities, and also nationalism to the Philippines. It also exhibits the life of dioramas depicting Chinese and mestizo (mixed Spanish Filipino) life in the parian (Chinese ghettos), old coins and porcelain, and a collection of photos. It also spotlights the concepts of culinary, religious and language history.

Porcelain dolls

Separation of the Chinese in ghettos called Parian. The diorama shows an uprising in the Spanish era.

Porcelain Dolls and Coins

Chinese and Filipinos from the past had a lot of events in negative and positive ways. Chinese influencing our country can be a positive advantage. Simply because without their influence we wouldn't find and create different recipes that was inspired of Chinese food. Even though we have a little argument with each country, let us still thank and sometimes be in good terms with each other. As these two countries made our country and us to be what it is now. Overall, in this museum we will find out on what terms Chinese and Filipinos are in the past.
