Fun Facts about Intramuros: Section IV

Written By Ralph Joseph L. Ibe

Santo Tomas

Intramuros is considered to be the oldest district in Manila. It is settled in June 12, 1571 and it is founded by Miguel López de Legazpi. Intramuros is currently 450 years old and is still one of the most popular cities in the Philippines

Baluarte de San Diego

Intramuros is called the Walled City Due to constant attacks from foreign invaders, coupled with natural and man-made disasters, defensive features surrounded the city, including two moats, cannons and fortified walls, from bulwarks to ravelins. Hence, the name 'Intramuros': a city within the walls.

Why Should People Visit Intramuros?

Because Intramuros is one of the popular and oldest district in Manila and also the places and stuff that you can do here like Praying in one of the most holy churches in Manila, Manila Cathedral and San Agustin Church, Time-Travel To Bygone days in museums like the San Agustin Museum, or even retrace the footsteps of our national hero Jose Rizal to Martyrdom in Fort Santiago

The walls of Intramuros were meant to protect the city from foreign invasions. The walls were six meters high and three kilometers in length, covering an area of about 160 acres. Within the vast walls, throughout the 51 blocks of the city, were churches, hospitals, government offices, military barracks, schools, and houses of the Spanish elite.

Fort Santiago