

Two phase fight, P1 is an adds phase, P2 is a burn phase

Phase 1

  • Shadow Barrage
      • Cast at a random target. No avoiding, just needs to be healed
      • 40k damage from initial hit, plus 12k/2s for 10s dot
  • Pool of Darkness - little red circles on the ground, with the Avatar style flame thingy if not soaked
      • Lasts 20s at a time, will have them up nearly 100% of the phase
      • If nobody is soaking, it deals 18k damage to the raid per second - 45 yard range
      • Must be soaked by 1 person
          • 25k/2sec for soaking, but only on that person
      • Spawn randomly throughout the room, can’t really assign people, just cover ones close to you
  • Dark Revelation
      • 10s debuff on a target (2 targets in heroic)
      • Deals 60k to raid when expires, weaker based on distance from explosion
      • Also spawns 5 Minions of Zul
          • Fixate on random players
          • If they reach target, AoE fear within 5 yards for 12s
          • Have an absorb shield called Bound By Shadow, soaking 120k damage
          • Must pop shield to kill add
          • HOWEVER, the shield is DISPELLABLE
              • Mass Dispel can immediately kill an entire group of 5
              • Blood Elf racial can also immediately kill an entire group of 5
              • All other single dispels work as well
          • Appears to occur every 50 seconds, starting about 35s into fight
          • If we don’t have 2 priests, we’ll need to plan a Belf rotation
  • Adds
      • Nazmani Crusher
          • Frontal cone, tank facing away from raid
          • Thrumming Pulse
              • Increases damage done by Zul & all other adds within 30 yards by 50%
              • This occurs at full energy
              • Simply move this add >30 yards from the boss at about 85% energy to prevent this ever buffing boss
      • Nazmani Bloodhexer
          • Bloodshard
              • Basic interruptible cast, dealing 45k damage to LOWEST HP player
              • Must be interrupted
          • Congeal Blood
              • At full energy, spawns a blob add under his own feet that will move towards the boss
              • If it reaches boss, it heals Zul for it’s entire remaining HP pool
              • Are fully CCable, stuns, knockbacks, etc
              • Casts Congeal Blood roughly every 20s
          • Sanguine Presence
              • If 2 Bloodhexers are within 20 yards of each other, heal ALL enemies for 10% HP every 2s
              • This can never happen under any circumstances or we wipe
              • Bloodhexers spawn roughly every 55 seconds in pairs of 2
              • Since Bloodhexers cannot be tanked by the boss tank, nor both tanked by the 2nd tank, we must CC one
              • They are fully CCable including Polymorph, Freeze Trap, etc
      • Bloodthirsty Crawg
          • 4 blob adds, don’t really do much
          • Heal themselves for 2x whatever melee damage they do
          • Engorged Burst
              • Upon full energy, AoE the raid for 60k/2s for 10s. Wipe mechanic.
              • These must die before full energy
      • DPS Priority - Bloodhexer > Crusher > Crawgs
  • Phase 1 Strat
      • Have assignments for Dark Revelation
          • People who get the debuff must move to a far edge of the room, to reduce the damage the raid takes
          • Immediately after the AoE goes off, dispels need to happen to kill adds
      • Add Management
          • We start the fight with 4 Crawgs, 1 Bloodhexer, 1 Crusher
          • Zul does NOT need to be tanked in p1
          • One tank will hold Crushers+help on Crawgs
              • Tank facing away from raid
              • When Crusher is > 85 energy, move 30+yards from boss
          • Other tank picks up Bloodhexer+rest of Crawgs
              • When Bloodhexer is about to cast Congeal Blood, move him about 7-10 yards from boss
              • DPS must use stuns/roots/knockback on the Congealed Blood add and kill it before it reaches the boss
          • Recommended that when new Bloodhexers spawn (every 55s or so), you have someone immediately CC one, and grip the other Hexer into melee range. Blow up the first Hexer ASAP, then grip the second Hexer into raid.
              • When the second Bloodhexer is brought into melee, it will attempt casting Congeal Blood. Stun the mob the moment it starts casting. It will attempt to cast 2-3 times before you kill it, make sure it gets stunned every cast.
          • Ideal time to push out of Phase 1 (40% HP on boss) is under 2:52. This prevents a third set of Hexers from spawning
          • We strongly recommend having all of the DPS go SINGLE TARGET spec. If you just passively AoE, especially at low item levels, you will not push the boss in time.
      • Everyone must be aware of Pools of Darkness, and help soak as needed

Phase 1 Cheese Strategy

This cheese strategy requires decently high raid dps. My guild was able to do this with an average ilevel of 355, so anything at that level or higher and this should be workable for you. Make every single DPS go Single Target dps spec.

  • Lust on pull
  • Nuke down all the adds that the boss starts with, then turn and punch Zul as hard as possible
  • At 0:55, when the first set of Bloodhexers comes out, CC both Hexers, ignore them, and continue pounding into the boss
      • These two Hexers need to be CC'd the entirety of the encounter
  • When the Crusher spawns, everyone switches to kill it asap, then back on boss
  • Your goal is to push out of p1 before 1:55 when the second group of Hexers spawn

Phase 2 - Occurs at 40% HP

    • Deathwish
        • Debuffs 2 players, making them immediately walk towards edge of platform and jump off
        • Can be dispelled
        • Upon either the player jumping off, or dispel, deals 42k damage to the raid, reduced by distance
        • Also spawns 5 Minions of Zul
        • These players CAN be lifegripped
    • Locus of Corruption
        • Applies Corrupted Blood to entire raid, 1 stack per 5 energy consumed
        • The longer phase 1 took, the more energy the boss will have, the more stacks on the whole raid
        • Corrupted Blood deals 500 damage per 2s for the rest of the fight, per stack
        • This can be immuned to prevent stacks. Iceblock, Cloak, etc. However, anyone assigned to soak Pool of Darkness should NOT use immunity for Locus, but instead save it for soaking the Pool in p2.
    • Rupturing Blood
        • Debuff applied to targets in a frontal cone of Zul, stacks
        • 21k/2s for 20s per stack
            • Swap at 3 stacks
            • Upon expiration, debuff leaves a giant ass pool of blood on the ground
            • Anyone in the pool gets Corrupted Blood stack
    • Pool of Darkness - same as P1
        • These can ONLY spawn near people. To help prevent Pools from spawning in the gunk on the ground from Rupturing Blood, you should manage positioning of the raid relative to the Blood.
    • Phase 2 Strat
        • Pools of darkness can be handled just like p1
        • Need healers ready for Deathwish. Possibly assign + backups, dispel as late as possible
            • If we have priest healers, use lifegrip once per Deathwish to spread out the explosions
        • Rupturing Blood
            • Tanks drop their debuff at the very edge of the room, right up against the side of an existing pool
            • Swap at 3 stacks
            • Healers will have to pay special attention to the tank as they move out to drop debuffs. Highly recommend CD rotation
            • If you have any Pallies in the raid, a beneficial strategy is to let the tank get 4-5 stacks (using personal defensive CDs), and when they jump out to the edge of the room, BoP them. BoP clears the debuff, but drops the Blood pool immediately. DO NOT DO THIS WHEN THE TANK IS STILL NEAR THE RAID
            • Tanks can drop new Blood pools in old ones, as standing in the pools for a short amount of time is not a big deal to tanks.
        • As more and more of the room is covered by Rupturing Blood pools, raid may need to reposition itself closer to a clean side for Deathwish
        • Lust in p2, this is burn phase. Kill boss before we run out of platform (Obviously can't lust p1 if you elect the p1 cheese strat)

Mythic Changes

    • Pool of Darkness
        • Person soaking the pool now gets 1 stack of Corrupted Blood every time they take damage from soaking pool
        • If the raidwide AoE goes off, entire raid gets 1 stack of Corrupted Blood
        • There's 10 total ticks per Pool of Darkness. In phase 1, you should rotate people through, swapping at 5 stacks of Corrupted Blood. Recommend assigning a rotation.
    • Decaying Flesh
        • Debuff that is applied randomly to an add
        • This debuff MUST be present when killing an add, or it respawns at full HP
        • Debuff lasts for 12s
        • Upon expiration, jumps to an add OF A DIFFERENT TYPE
            • Basically, you need to bring the adds HP down together, then fullstop dps at 10-15%ish. When an add is low HP and gets Decaying Flesh, all DPS hardswap and kill it ASAP
            • Will need WA to track the debuff
    • All p2 stays exactly the same, other than the Pool of Darkness changes
    • Phase 1 now becomes significantly more difficult

Mythic Strategy

    • Bring rogues. Sub rogues are absolute BiS for this fight, since they can just funnel infinite combo points into Eviscerate on the boss
    • Recommend 4+ Sub rogues. Alts are fine, 355+ ilevel or so will do. These will be your top dps. The rogues will do 2x as much damage to the boss as anyone else.
        • With this many rogues, don't worry about killing off Crawgs when they have the debuff. Just kill them off so they don't explode.
        • With 4+ sub rogues, you can lust on pull, nuke boss, kill the two new Hexers that spawn at 0:55, CC the set of Hexers that spawns at 1:55
        • The timing goal is to push Zul into phase 2 (40% hp) before the 3rd Crusher spawns at 2:20.
        • Essentially, you just follow the Cheese strat for heroic, except timing the killing of the Crushers to ensure they have the debuff
    • Eventually, the Crawgs actually become dangerous and can easily kill a tank. Recommended to bring 3 tanks to this fight, 1 of them being a VDH. The VDH's only job is to pick up the Crawgs, and kite them in a circle near the boss as needed. Be careful not to kite them so far away from the boss that the rogues can't hit them with Shuriken Storm
    • Assign people beforehand to soak the Pools of Darkness to avoid any confusion.