Crzypck's Uldir Raid Strategy Guide

Created by Crzypck, officer and Raid Leader of <Mist> on Area 52. This guide is geared towards Heroic and Mythic. I have no information included on what mechanics don’t exist in normal. This guide is a permanent work in progress. We will be updating info and providing more information once the raid goes live and my guild has worked our way past the bosses. If anything changes, I’ll update it. I will also be adding any potential “cheese” strats if and when they present themselves. Thanks!

To access the various boss guides, use the drop-down menu in the top-right of this page. If you're on mobile, the menu can be found on the top-left.

This guide is being actively updated as more information on Mythic encounters become available. Please check the "Recent Updates" tab for the latest!

Please feel free to share this guide with anyone who’d be interested! You may contact me with any questions or comments at Crzypck#6309 on discord. Also, I do stream my guild's raids on twitch at, if you'd like to see the fights in action =)

Recommended WeakAura Pack - Uldir WAs by Causese

Recommended Raid Leader WA's to separate out

These weakauras are ALL from Causese's pack. I simply moved out the ones I felt were extremely high priority to track, and put them in a different spot.