223 Paper

Harnessing the Power of Stakeholder Collaboration in a Statewide Survey to Reduce Substance Use Among Adolescents

Session Abstract

This session will focus on how to collaborate with a network of multilevel stakeholders to plan and implement meaningful protocols as part of a statewide survey of adolescent substance use. Ground-level and system-level stakeholders shared knowledge about school networks and emerging drug trends, provided direction on how to tailor outreach and recruitment efforts, and co-created data summaries and dissemination strategies. These partnerships were critical during COVID-19 as the nature of the pandemic produced several limitations. They were essential in helping us pivot processes into an all virtual administration design, harness new school technology, and establish a continuous process for assessing the practicality of protocols and resources for districts, schools, parents, and students. Establishing open communication by sharing feedback and progress at different stages of the project has maximized recruitment and participation, as well as created the foundation for a shared-vision space between schools and community stakeholders.

Session Submitter: Maria Mera (meram@montclair.edu)