
講師 坂田綾香氏(統計数理研究所)

題目   Dimensional reduction in evolving spin-glass model

日時 12月11日(金)13:30 - 




Biological systems generally consist of a huge number of components. However, despite such high dimensionality, there is growing evidence that the responses of phenotypes to external changes are often restricted to a low-dimensional subspace. It has been recently conjectured that such dimension reduction is a consequence of the evolution to achieve functional phenotypes that are robust to perturbations. We address the question of if and how the dimension reduction evolves using a statistical physics model.

Sakata, Ayaka, and Kunihiko Kaneko. "Dimensional reduction in evolving spin-glass model: correlation of phenotypic responses to environmental and mutational changes." PRL 124.21 (2020): 218101.