Upper Grades
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Upper Grade Learning
As students enter third, fourth, and fifth grades, they take off academically, emotionally, and creatively. Cornerstone's amazing teachers help students to navigate these important years so that they are ready to tackle middle school with confidence and maturity.
Teaching Parents (TPs) play a crucial role in these older grades, with specialized volunteer shifts. Although TPs are always important at Cornerstone, in the upper grades TP shifts become more focused, really allowing volunteers' talents to shine - whether it be in math, science, language arts, or creative endeavors.
The scope, quality, and excellence of the special events and activities in these grades is quite impressive. Please see the Highlights section for more information, and to see some of the incredible events offered.
Secret Garden
The Secret Garden is available to third, fourth, and fifth grade students, and is a quiet outdoor space for reflection and centering.
Students have the opportunity to use this space if they are ever feeling overwhelmed, or in need of some quiet time.
The Secret Garden is also a space where Cornerstone's Reading Buddies gather - a program where upper grade students are paired with younger students to explore reading together. It is a favorite activity among students.